My clothes spending went from pretty high to zero in 2020. I also lost a decent amount of weight so now most of my shit doesn’t really fit me, not looking forward to replacing stuff when we return to normal
I’m pretty proud of my stylish find! As I’m trying them on, my wife casually drops, “oh you’re just finding out about Allbirds? Those were cool like 5 years ago.”
Like what is going on with this looking three sizes too big on the model? I’m not really into that if that’s the “look.” Fortunately I don’t have to worry too much because it’s not in the cards at $625, but it is on my DO WANT wish list.
Honestly if this was more slim fitted I would definitely wear it. I prefer not to look Iike a 13 year old in his dads sweater though. Sick texture and pattern.
Vans has been doing limited edition collaborations with various small businesses that have been hit hard by Covid (indie record stores, live music venues, etc.)
As I mentioned in the concert thread, one spot that was very important to a young Nit was The Black Cat in DC. So, I just placed an order for these sweet new kicks that go perfectly with my “angsty teen” aesthetic.
I feel like this thread needs clarification about pricing after the first page. The cashmere sweater is nice. I like the vans as well but I think about $90 would be my limit for those.
I mostly just buy bargain brands or thrift shop, well after its cool to do so. Definitely not spending $150+ on any articles of clothing. Feels poor man.