Fall LC thread


It’s because humans would rather see their enemies suffer than both them and their enemy benefit.


What’s wrong with wanting to see deplorable Republicans suffer?

At your own expense?

Also I don’t want to see them suffer. I want to see them come to their senses and realize their tendency to fear people from other races has been hacked and amplified by a slick cult. I know that’s not going to happen, but that’s my dream scenario.

I really get the feeling a lot of right-wingers just want to see libtards suffer. Full stop. They don’t think we’re delusional or brainwashed - they just can’t stand us - the same way I can’t stand the Denver Broncos.

KU and MU have (had maybe) one of the most bitter rivalries in all of college sports. Both schools’ mascots are literally named after civil war terrorist (or guerrilla depending on your take) groups that raided the other state. Best quote I heard from a student: “I would rather see MU lose than KU win.” Pretty much sums it up.

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I’ve made the analogy that political partisanship is now like sports fandom. I feel about Republicans the way you feel about the Broncos, maybe even more hateful.

People often see things in relative rather than absolute terms. They don’t necessarily want to Max their personal EV. They often want to max the gap between them and someone they see as inferior.

As a supporter of redistributionist policies intended to decrease income inequality, I’m not looking for a rising tide to lift all boats if it lets the rich get even richer and farther beyond the common man. I’m willing to tear down the rich even if it means the economy stagnates until it brings down inequality to an acceptable level before I do something to help everyone.

I hate R politicians. But I don’t hate most of the base.



I hate everyone. I just hate deplorables more.



I agree.

Not to pee in your corn flakes, but when I read about that incident (or an identical one) it was said the early warning systems were known crap and gave false alarms all the time, and were commonly ignored. I mean, good on all of them for not being complete blithering idiots, but the narrative that one man single-handedly saved the planet is overblown.

I can’t keep up with the site lately. This is an “About The Forums” comment, and obviously the site needs new people coming in as people fade out (or take their balls and go home), but I don’t think this thing would work at all with many more people.

Do you mean the amount of content? If so I agree, I’ve given up on certain threads. I can’t keep up. Seeing that there are 3k posts to read to catch up just totally turns me off.

idk why we folded the impeachement thread into the Trump megathread.

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I’ve had a similar thought, when we were talking about identity, goals, etc. back on Exiled. Basically, it wouldn’t be the same if this was as big as some of the subreddits. I think a lot of the value comes from “knowing” the posters and the history we share as a community. When there are thousands of posters that’s not as easy to achieve.

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2+2 was the only forum I’d ever seen where it’s normal to have mega-threads that run months and years, and we’ve duplicated that approach here without really questioning it.

I never bother trying to catch up on threads after I take a few days off for my sanity. I just skip to the last 50 posts or so.


Ok now I know why someone at work was going on about this…

Yeah, that, with the Trump impeachment stuff.

I don’t either. Some people found it confusing, but I didn’t get that. By the time I saw it, the thread had already been locked. Impeachment seems important enough for its own thread.

I think 50000-post megathreads are cool for the two seconds it takes you to say “cool, that’s a lot of posts,” then they’re counterproductive.


Not sure what you read but according to him he thinks his military by-the-book coworkers would have called it in, which could have resulted in a retaliatory strike (it would be up to the brass at that point). He even says he didn’t trust the new system. If you can find what you read I’d like to read it.