Fall LC thread

How are you connecting Brexit to China?

Not Brexit directly, the sentiment that led to it (loss of sovereignty, real or perceived) Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?



I still don’t get it.

I think for it to make sense the EU would have to be putting pressure on UK industries to do anti-UK things like stop boiling their food or not being uncomfortable when people show emotions.

US Companies bowing to real or imagined pressure from China because it’s the world’s biggest market is totally what Capitalism is about so shouldn’t be seen with horror but should be celebrated as it reinforces our roots…


Vardys are taking the nuclear option now of calling in the IT EXPERTS.

Who knows where this might lead.


I guess this is the new world order


PSA: if you’ve been on this site for more than a couple days, please upload an avatar. We’re trying to live in a society around here.


I saw this 6 months no drinking for men before conception picked up by several places when it came out.

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“I won’t be on the road, but I am obviously extremely involved with the whole process,” John told Billboard about the tour. “Blippi is as a character and I’m the creative force behind it, but since YouTube is a monster and all of these platforms are really crazy I can’t go on the road for many weeks or months at a time.”

I can empathize with that. Apparently youtube drops you big time on their algorithm if you don’t constantly produce new content.

But wait, it gets weirder…

This isn’t the first time Blippi has stirred up controversy. Earlier this year, BuzzFeed News reported that in 2013, before John created the Blippi character, he made gross-out comedy videos under the name “Steezy Grossman.” One of these videos had some viral success, and John (as Steezy) appeared on podcasts to promote it.

The video was a riff on the “Harlem Shake” meme that had a brief moment of popularity in early 2013. In Steezy Grossman’s version (which has been largely scrubbed from the internet, thanks to John’s lawyer issuing DMCA takedowns) Steezy perches on a toilet, hovering — pantsless — above his completely nude friend, who is lying on the floor.

When the beat drops, Steezy takes a real, explosive shit that lands all over his friend, splatting the walls. It is gross and hilarious, but not what you’d expect from a future children’s entertainer.

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Thanks suzz

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C’mon son, you’re not old.

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I was like this in my 20’s.

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You just described my entire life.


from my rudimentary knowledge of the soccer balls

something like tom brady’s wife vs drew brees’s


ncaa took away a div III football title. The egregious thing they did to warrant this?

A coach let players borrow his 2006 Subaru. It broke down on one of them.


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I’m surprised trump hasn’t given the NCAA part of the government to run. They are almost the worst.


  1. lol graham and 2) in case there was even 1% of you that actually believed lindsey cares about those kurds
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Can somebody make this my avatar?
