Fall LC thread

Real original

I think there’s gotta be 4+ dudes involved in the :o: game.

That story notes prices from $1500-$6000 a month. I found the prices started at close to $6000 a month and then up and with absolutely scary facilities costing hundreds of dollars a day.

Why would a healthy 64-year-old move into a fully-equipped nursing home?

Yeah, that’s dumb. Is he going to ask the room cleaners to do the nursing part of “nursing home”?

Dan Brewer, who works for a company that invests in private-pay senior housing facilities, wrote in 2018 that senior housing can cost anywhere between $1,500 and $6,000/month,

So, $1500/month is less than the Holiday Inn and if that’s just senior housing and not assisted living, it’s still an apartment with 1 or 2 bedrooms and kitchen compared to a hotel room. And if it is assisted living, the cost is in the services, not the building. My Mom and my M-in-law both have places in 55+ buildings without medical services and pay $1200 and I think like $1500/month for 2 bedroom apartments with common facilities in nice areas. My M-in-law’s place is in a more expensive neighborhood, but my Mom’s place has a tiny golf course and a big rec center (neither of which she uses at all). So…Jesus effing Christ…I could live in a place like that in 3 years.

See Sub’s mother… She looking to sell her place I heard. :yum::yum::yum:

I know this is easy to say when young and healthy, but I am never going to one of those places. Ever.

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I don’t like apartments, but as far as apartment complexes go, both my Mom’s and M-in-law’s are fine. It’s not like young people are all that great either.

There is a huge range in senior housing, associated costs, and how nice or grim they are.

There are just plain apartments with age restrictions, some for poor people, some for rich, and a bunch in between. They’re really not any different than a retirement community except in scale and location.

Assisted living is like the former, but includes meals, more services, and maybe some very basic medical stuff. They’re for people who either can’t quite live on their own or don’t want to. Private facilities can be very nice, and very expensive. Medicaid facilities can be nice, tolerable or awful. Some states are waaay worse than others.

Nursing homes are for people who need regular medical assistance. Again, they can be quite nice if you have the cash. If you don’t, they can be one of the most awful places on earth.

Senior housing without any assistance is generally not much different than market rate rentals. Assisted living starts to get expensive. Full blown nursing homes are outrageously expensive if you have to pay out of pocket and you’re there for any length of time. Six figures/year aren’t unheard of.

Which one a person ends up in depends on what they need. Some people live in all three as their health decreases through the years, and it’s pretty common for assisted living facilities to be side by side with nursing homes so a person just moves to another wing when the time comes.

Cliffs: Not all housing for olds is the same, and some of it isn’t objectionable at all.


Lol interesting

Also, salts and such can cause dendrites to grow between pathways that will cause the computer to blow up (really it will just stop working, but that doesn’t sound sexy) in six months. This is why it’s not a good idea to touch circuit boards.

What a fucking scumbag

GF has an iPad mini that should probably be put out to pasture. Are there any worthwhile non-Apple alternatives? She uses it as an ebook reader, to surf the internet, watch youtube videos and play Candy Crush type games.
Samsung has decent alternatives for full-sized tablets but they weigh 500g which is a bit too heavy for an ebook reader. The only small one I can find is the Amazon Fire tablet.

I have a Fire 7. It’s small, light, does the basics, and it’s dirt cheap.

Downsides are that low price is subsidized by ads on the splash screen, and Amazon has even more data to track you with. You’re pretty firmly locked into their universe, and if I were a heavy tablet user I’d get something else just to avoid that. Ideally I’d get something I could wipe and install Linux on.

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My understanding is that the tablet market was pretty much abandoned by Android manufacturers. The drop off in usability is going to be much higher than switching phones.


I hope to die with my boots on.

On the plus side, I remember reading once that retirement villages are hotbeds for STDs. So seems like you might be able to old people sex your way into the grave.

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The Villages is peak Florida.

There’s a big complex of condos/apartments by me called The Village. I looked at one when I was looking for a place.

#1 - It was like 200 yards and two flights of stairs from the parking spot to the apartment. Fun with groceries.

#2 - When I was in the rental office - some 50-year-old dude (I was 30 at the time) was complaining about his toilet overflowing. He had an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and 2 bikini-clad chicks his age with him.

I mean impressive to have the two girls, but pass.