Fall LC thread

Yes but look out for their cousins - drop bears.


TIL I learned about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (from Matt Berkey of all people) and my mind is now blown.


A few years ago I had a gf (although we weren’t the most intimate - but we were good friends) and a fulfilling job where my coworkers were also good friends. And I had some other friends I still hung out with a decent bit.

Fast forward to now - the great job I loved got crappy, then I left. New job is minimally fulfilling but I’m not friends with anyone. GF is just a friend I see every now and then. And the other friends have either gotten completely immersed in their kids or drifted away.

No wonder I want to sell everything and drive around the world. Trying to stay in the blue or above is a lot of work.


On good days, I creep into the blue zone. That top triangle is unthinkable.

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You know when I stopped reading your post?

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I’m trying to write my book right now and I feel like I’m literally battling myself about whether I deserve to ever be in the top triangle. Not deserve is winning pretty handily right now.

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My therapist is a big proponent of that triangle and we’ve only just barely tip toed into the third level after 3 years of therapy. Lol.


My Dad told me about that concept in a bit of a panic during one of my episodes

you deserve it, goof

How’d you get through college without taking Psychology 101? Lucky bastard.

I took psychology in HS but I feel like our teacher just showed us serial killer documentaries.

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How has my therapist not mentioned this in over a decade? I think she’s just milking me.

In my limited experience, people who make it to the top triangle are also the most likely to flirt with the bottom two. So there’s that.

This is a huge barrier for a lot of people. Limiting beliefs on what we deserve can be deeply rooted from all sorts of internalized garbage that was fed to us from other people. I’ve worked on this before and need to do it again.

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step 2 is so vague and totally open for interpretation and interruption


Only if you read no further into the topic than the diagram…

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Or at least people in that top triangle (or who we feel are in that top triangle) may have the bottom two OK, but they’re dealing with severe absenteeism in their relationships, fraud complexes, etc.

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you’re all fired up tonight, boss. I dig it.

unrelated, the most recent Frontline doc is Goat


Like, mothers in particular, geez. Any mothers I can think of who can reasonably be described as “achieving their full potential” are almost assuredly feeling judged as neglectful moms, or that their vocational accomplishments aren’t as grand as everyone is making them out to be, that they aren’t putting in as much work as they could be, etc. Men don’t face the same judgment on their relationship level that women do.


Yeah, the blanket statements have been a little too much for my normal iron-clad self control.


Attractive females get this also. Obviously it’s their looks that have paved the way not hard work etc.

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