Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

probably a lot easier in canada

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You should follow some long-form publications that do journalism not tied to the 24/7 news cycle.

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could easily go in the media thread because broomberg has been consistently sucking, but if this exists in some informal half-way there already, we are likely going to be hunting fugitive generational billionaires in south american asylums for the next century.

This lady wrecks going 90 in a 30 with her two kids in the car. Gets arrested for DUI. Grandmother is called to pick up kids. Grandmother crashes into a car at the same scene and gets arrested for DUI herself.

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Surely the 23% mean “Pilgrims settled in an abandoned area that was abandoned because they murdered all the natives”

there was exactly zero “abandoned” or unoccupied land pre-contact.


Except it’s not really a joke, it’s just sad.

WAY bigger percentage saying “Pilgrims Stole Native Land” than I would have ever predicted. You could tell me that the people polled were 100% democrats and I’d believe you.


Chinese tennis star MIA after accusing former vice premier of sexual assault.

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Has a vague hostage video-like quality.

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Good fucking lord this is worse than I thought



I was thinking of testing something out this weekend. I’m in a super pro Trump area, thinking of going to an area where lots of Trumpers go with a sign like Iraq veteran that was canceled by the woke mob somehow and need money for a lawyer.

It’s like a go fund me but since it’s a lie I can’t get it taken away for fraud.


We’re taking it super serious though, which is why we limit how many suboxone prescriptions for no reason.

Also this has been, for a long time, put in the context of prescription drug abuse which is bullshit imo. The issue is that we’re allowing a tainted supply of illicit opiates in the country, and don’t give a fuck about the people who die because of it

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Wait until carfentanil becomes more popular than fentanyl.

Yes, presumably they allow for legitimate prescriptions under normal conditions in comparison countries and we should do the same.

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FYI for those that don’t know, in order to give out suboxone prescriptions, you need a special X waiver to do it. You used to have to do a big pain in the ass 8 hour class to do it, but this was recently removed. I got my x-waiver then.

It still has strict limits on how many active prescriptions you can have, which is fucking stupid as suboxone is incredibly safe because of the way it works (basically it’s a partial opiate instead of a full thing like oxy/fentanyl/etc, so it doesn’t do the respiratory depression effectively. It also displaces oxy/fentanyl off those receptors to decrease their respiratory depression issues). The DEA has gone after pharmacies giving out lots of suboxone treatments which, again, is insanely counterproductive.

We should be giving suboxone out like candy right now. The upside is so much better than the downside.

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