Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

She was just trying to support small business like you in the gym. Dont blame her blame the gov for not stopping her.

If she is real and not a Canadian girlfriend you should show her the thread…


Again you show you care more about work/economy/money than people’s health


You still don’t seem to understand after hundreds of posts explaining it to you in painstaking detail, so let me try one more time!

You going to the gym, restaurants, work after exposure ( no one “forced” you at gun point. Grow up) is a net negative on public health, and adds unnecessary strain to the healthcare system. Every interaction you have is another opportunity to infect someone that can lead to them in the hospital, or someone they infect in the hospital. This puts a strain on the ICU nurses, doctors, morticians, etc. Your actions do not occur in a vacuum. No one cares that you’re a dumb child that doesn’t mind dying to pump some iron. It’s the cascading effects your choices have.

It’s quite something that a guy who doesn’t trust the government enough to respond to threats of violence insomuch that he carries a pistol while he jogs, has the gall to shun the idea of personal responsibility when it comes to pandemic response. Yes. The federal response has been criminal and will go down in history as inhuman. This doesn’t absolve you of responsibility for your stupid fucking decisions.

You’re in your early 20s, which makes you a fucking idiot. Your gf is also a fucking idiot bar hopping on vacation while other people ITT’s spouses are killing themselves on the front lines in the ICU. If you want a forum that will stroke your ego on your decision to work out maskless, you may want to look elsewhere.


How do you not understand that this is the worst thing you can do right now? It’s the literal definition of community spread.


And let me try one more time. I did NOT go to a gym, restaurant, or anywhere else after I learned I was exposed EXCEPT… To the office the next day after my boss mandated in very clear terms that I do so. He was the biggest cause of my ire and why I initially posted ITT. My gf was the side note. I thought my boss was being incredibly irresponsible for forcing a known exposed person to show up at the office. However, I talked him into letting me work from home after that and I did not go out of my house for two weeks

Would you say it’s a fair statement that the people who go to gyms, bars, dine-in restaurants, etc., are almost as likely to get infected whether I’m there or not? I know most of the people. They are almost all young and keep to themselves. They don’t live with large families, parents, or elderly people. Now I realize if they get it, they may very well contribute to the spread. But do you think it’s more so than people in airports traveling on planes, or even at grocery stores who don’t wear their masks properly? Or the tons of families across the US who just hosted and attended Thanksgiving dinner this year (we spent it alone). As we speak, plans are underway to host large holiday (and maskless) gatherings at the WH and other federal facilities. In addition, many beaches were open throughout the summer (and still are in warmer climates). Throughout the summer Trump was holding rallies for as many people as he could possibly gather without requiring masks. We had many riots take place. We held an election. The list goes on and on. Do you think all these things just might have had a bigger impact than the people who patronized a gym, bar, or restaurant that was struggling to stay in business and not lay off their workers who would receive no help from the government?

I turned 24 today. Not exactly a child. I’m also well aware of the power of exponential growth, but you are directing your ire at the wrong people and places

Again, just more latching onto and refusing to let go of a passing comment I made ONCE primarily to make a larger point. I do NOT shun personal responsibility. You love to prattle on about how irresponsible I am, but the fact is, you are in much more danger of being harmed either by a violent act or covid by the next random person you encounter than you ever will be by me

Glad we agree on something

Right. Us young peeps who inherited the impossible task of cleaning up this dumpster fire pile of shit world you left us are the idiots. You have the audacity to blame MY generation for all this and call us irresponsible? Age obviously doesn’t make you smart

Well it’s just so obvious that I’m here to have my ego stroked by getting bashed by 99.9% of people ITT. Brilliant take. And you think 20 somethings are idiots?

  • Attending holiday dinners or any gatherings of 10 or more
  • Non essential travel on planes
  • Attending the scheduled federal government holiday parties of 200+ people
  • Being anti science and not believing in masks, shut downs, or social distancing
  • Politicizing mask wearing

These are all much worse things you can do

Again you are just grasping and hanging on for dear life at my mention of being upset for a brief moment about her actions. I thought she could’ve been more careful, yes. But I do not blame her for exposing me to covid. I did however, blame my boss for exposing the entire office.

I’ll say it again. People like her are overwhelmingly likely to get thru covid just fine. She was sick as a dog for about a week. I could tell it wasn’t fun. And it gave her a new appreciation for not wanting to give it to her parents, or older people, etc. The problem is going to be that hospitals will become overwhelmed and will need to start setting up death panels. Those who truly need care, won’t be able to get it. You think young people who aren’t worried about getting it are the problem. But the real problem is, both young AND older people who are careless around older family members, friends, strangers, and others who might be compromised. We also need to do a much better job of contact tracing. I’m willing to bet that very few cases would be traced to people with similar lifestyles to mine

Not sure why you would be upset when she was only supporting local workers and helping them keep their jobs like you do at the gym.



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Lol. Kid. Every post you make is blaming the big bad government for allowing your gyms and restaurants to be open.


You are fucking delusional.


There are none so blind as those that will not see

Take out everything about your GF, your job and the response from all levels of government.

Will you at least concede that going to an indoor gym at a time like this was a bad idea, and that removing your mask while there was an even worse idea?

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This is a lie

You posted BEFORE you spoke to him and he said you “must” come in.

So him making you go was NOT why you initially posted ITT.

You posted because your gf was causing you to call in and not go to the office. She was the main reason, not a side note.

At least be honest about it.


This is the most telling thing he posted and it seems to of gone unnoticed.

He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t want to get it.


This is the OP, so can we stop with the gaslighting about how “actually I originally posted because I was mad at my boss, not my GF”.


Yeah the healthcare workers only care about feeling safer, not actually being safer. This virus is truly mysterious!! - Smart 24 year old adult


lol what a surprise cactus is not only being dumb but also constantly lying in this thread

Lol, yeah, it’s pretty funny that a guy who is being blasted for literally letting his mask slip at the gym itt is letting his mask slip.

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I will concede that I thought I (and others) were putting ourselves at risk, but since I was basically otherwise quarantined, I considered my covid footprint as being still quite small compared to all those I routinely saw (and continue to see) walking around in public without a mask, or taking it off once inside a store, or baseball, basketball, football games being played. And now with many colleges and their football programs open. Add in the (necessary) riots, election, etc., and these all seemed to be much higher contributing factors than anything I was doing

As to the timeline, it all happened in the same day and I was pretty freaked, so I may have gotten the order of things confused. But you still don’t get to tell me what I think. I was much more upset with my boss and his irresponsibility at not caring about exposing an entire office than I ever was at my gf

As to whether I’m being more careful now, the answer is yes. Not due to this thread, but because of what I’ve been seeing these nurses and doctors go through and the prospect of how bad this will no doubt get in the coming weeks/months ahead. I think we should all pull together and do everything we possibly can to mitigate the effects of covid.

That said, I will never be convinced me that the biggest reason things are as bad now isn’t due to the overwhelming failure at all levels of government and leadership. From lack of contact tracing, to mixed messaging, to the refusal to shut down in critical areas such as beaches, schools, just for the sake of the precious economy with no regard for the working class. These actions have only prolonged the pandemic and the economic woes, which may be felt for a decade. We could’ve/should’ve been at a much better spot at this point. Instead, I fear we are facing hardship of biblical proportions in the coming months. You can continue to blame people as to why the US is the WORST performing country in the world as if we are some different species than the rest of the world. I’ll continue placing the bulk of the blame on our government and I guess the entire UP forum and I will always disagree on that