every episode of Moonlighting (1985-1989) RANKED

s1e1 Pilot

cold open begins with a normal 1980s man going out for a run when a 1980s punk with large dyed mohawk and welding goggles starts running barefoot along side him. he’s unnerved by a man not conforming with straight-laced 1980s fashion and runs away from him into the street where he’s immediately hit by a car and killed. the punk steals the dead man’s watch and searches his body for something else but can’t find it before the police come. he gives them a fake name and runs off.

next we see cybil shepherd in a nightgown in her fabulous mansion arguing with her personal chef. her nipples must have been showing through the nightgown in this scene because they’ve been subtly blurred out in postproduction. it’s really subtle, you’d have to be staring directly at her nipples to even notice they’ve edited it. but i spotted it during the normal course of ranking every episode accurately. jerry seinfeld’s tv mom is cybil shepherd’s maid, but i don’t think we’ll see her again because we meet cybil shepherd’s character as she’s finding out her business managers robbed her or all her liquid assets and her staff is quitting. she’s a very successful businesswoman who doesn’t even recognize all the businesses she owns as her accountant explains the situation to her.

one of the businesses she owns is a private detective agency run by a man resembling bruce willis but young and with a full head of hair. or 95% full, anyway. he’s a fast-talking smooth talker and it comes naturally to him, he even smooth talks fastly to himself when he’s alone.

unfortunately for the young man with hair resembling bruce willis, cybil shepherd is there to liquidate his business, and a large amount of smooth talking in a short period of time falls on deaf ears. at the end of the day he’s let the office know and he’s left there alone.

cybil shepherd in 1985 looks almost exactly like christine taylor (ben stiller’s wife), it’s eerie.* she’s dressed up at a charity gala and the detective shows up unannounced to confidently beg her for his job back. he explains he was instructed to lose money as part of her tax avoidance scheme and did a good job at it and if the new goal was to make money he would do a good job at that too. his logic is sound, but she still isn’t convinced as the punk from the cold open is chased into the gala and killed while escaping white businessmen in suits (the REAL villains). the punk hands off the dead man’s watch to cybil shepherd before revealing he’s been stabbed in the back and is now himself dead.

bruce willis is taken to the police department and interrogated about the murdered punk. he charms the shit out of the cops and as they’re walking out of the interrogation room he’s explaining to them how to copy music albums onto blank cassette tapes and making plans with them to hang out later.

he still hasn’t warmed her icy heart when he drops her off at her front door, and they’re accosted by two white guys in business suits who hold them at gunpoint and torture them for information about the wristwatch. cybil shepherd swears she gave the watch to the police, and they eventually believe her. but when they’re alone, bruce willis reveals he switched the watches and was wearing it the whole time. now we got a story going. THIS is the story.

turns out there are NAZI DIAMONDS hidden in los angeles but don’t worry, our heroes don’t end up profiting off of them, although they did try. at the end of their adventure, david (this is bruce willis’ character’s name) still hasn’t convinced cybil shepherd (don’t remember her character name yet) to keep the detective agency open. she says she’ll think about it

*google image search results of cybill shepherd and christine taylor to prove i’m not crazy



interesting that in 1985 nazi diamonds were considered finders keepers free money. like you’re stealing from a nazi and there’s no reason to think about it any further than to assume the nazi earned them himself through his own hard work

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Here’s some shots I grabbed from “Dodgeball” that help your case a bit:

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You should do NewsRadio next. GOAT sitcom.

s1e2 Gunfight at the So-So Corral

young tim robbins is very thin and very young in the cold open where he tries to kill a fat old man in a hospital bed with a silenced revolver. the old man fights young tim robbins and disarms him before knocking him unconscious and dropping him down a laundry shaft. the old man is the reopened detective agency’s first client.

starting the investigation, bruce willis walks into a dive bar wearing sunglasses with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and starts talking to the black bartender in a loud voice using an exaggerated black accent. the bartender is sick of it immediately and after grabbing him by the collar bruce willis quickly changes to a high-pitched version of his real voice. they find out the man they’re looking for, their client’s long-lost son, is a notorious hitman. bruce willis is afraid of death and immediately insists they drop the case

madelyn (cybil shepherd’s character’s name) goes out to dinner with the client to tell him the bad news that his son is a killer for hire, but learns the old man is dying and doesn’t have it in her to break his heart to tell a dying man what they’ve learned.

when madelyn and david get back to the detective agency, the hitman they were looking for is waiting in the darkness with a shotgun. he says his father died years ago and they discover the old dying man is an even-more-notorious hitman. he invites them to tell the old man they’ve found him, so that he can kill the old man himself, because it’s a point of pride in the hitman community to be the hitman who kills whoever is currently the most illustrious hitman.

madelyn makes a point of refusing to accept payment from the old man hitman, but she didn’t have these squabbles with the nazi diamonds.

the two hitmen meet in a junkyard and face off with pistols. for some reason though neither of them can get a clean shot off and they end up ducking behind cars while shooting at each other which is not exactly a wild west shootout but what do i know. madelyn can’t abide setting these two up to kill each other and tells david to stop the fight. david crawls between their positions waving a white handkerchief urging calm, but they keep fighting and the younger one takes bruce willis hostage.

the old hitman gets the drop on him, though, and frees david. the young hitman falls to his knees and starts crying, begging for his life. the old hitman tells him being a hitman is a bad career choice, and that’s why he tracked him down, to give him professional advice to quit.

david didn’t seem to have any problems with accepting money from one hitman looking to kill the other. he asked madelyn if she got the check from the old man before anybody knew he was on a mission of peace.


s1e1 Pilot
s1e2 Gunfight at the So-So Corral


s1e3 Read the Mind – See the Movie

part of the private detective business is performing polygraph tests on employees working in military weapons research companies. david’s method involves hooking up the employee to the polygraph and forcing them to play heads-up poker against him for real money. this scene is hilarious; bruce willis is perfection. i would normally share my favorite quote here but the delivery is everything. 5m44s into s1e3 to watch this mf work

david wears a two-tone rolex datejust which i normally think is horribly ugly but he makes it work. young bruce willis with hair could literally do anything

the defense contractor drops the detective agency because they say they’ve been losing patents to a rival company and it could only be leaks from within. madelyn, after some investigating, becomes convinced that the rival weapons manufacturer is stealing technical secrets by employing a famous psychic to share his psychic visions of the latest military technology being invented.

having madelyn be david’s boss softens his constant sexually-charged commentary about her appearance. it’d be a hostile work environment if madelyn didn’t have the ability to pull the plug on the whole operation whenever she feels like it.

in the end, a rogue executive is trying to murder them both with an experimental laser weapon. david and madelyn somehow evade laser fire by running around the room and hiding behind furniture, even as the laser cuts through massive computers the size of cars. catching her in a moment of distraction, david tackles the rogue executive and fights her on the ground with the laser shooting up into the ceiling. possibly on purpose, the laser cuts a large piece of the floor above which crashes on top of her, killing her moments after david leaps off her and runs across the room. mystery solved.


s1e3 Read the Mind – See the Movie
s1e1 Pilot
s1e2 Gunfight at the So-So Corral

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Fun fact: the German title of that show is “Das Model und der Schnüffler”.


what is a moonlighting

moonlighting is a slang term for a night job, usually a second job. it’s david’s primary job so it doesn’t apply to him. and it doesn’t really apply to madelyn either. she’s a wealthy dilettante, she lives off the remains of her once-great modeling empire that her business managers didn’t run off with. although if we’re being generous it’s kind of a second act in her life. and with her lifestyle it kind of feels like her main job is being unemployed, and her second job is co-running the detective agency

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btw how mad would instagram models and onlyfans content creators be if they watched this to find out 40 years ago a professional bikini model could make 10 million dollars and retire in her thirties to a mansion in los angeles with servants

s1e4 The Next Murder You Hear

a radio host is shot to death while broadcasting a live call-in show called the heartbreak hotline. it was an overnight show and he was the only one in the building at the time. his body was taken by the killers, so the police say. madelyn is very repressed sexually for some reason and some light nudging from david causes her to have an existential crisis and realize she’s lonely. so she throws david out of a moving car and spends several nights drinking and thinking about her feelings, alone. her conclusion? our detective agency is taking the case of the murdered dj!

i’m just now realizing that cybil shepherd is the protagonist of this show and bruce willis is just some douche she works with. she proves it this episode, where she single-handedly solves the case while david gets blind drunk in a bar. he never wears sunglasses except when he’s in a bar.

turns out the dj faked his own death. there was no body, it was pretty obvious. he was having an affair with a married woman and wanted to duck the husband’s wrath by pretending to be dead for a while and hanging out in his own house. but here’s the twist: the vengeful husband is murdered, and the dj reaches out to madelyn to claim his innocence.

he explains that he was at the scene, sneaking up and down the fire escape to bang the wife, when he says he found the guy already dead. the wife separately visits the agency to claim her innocence, explaining that she had the most to gain from her husband’s death but she definitely didn’t kill him.

david and madelyn have no idea who killed this guy, but they go into a meeting with both of them anyway with no plan. david starts bullshitting and killing time trying to solve the case on the spot with zero evidence or idea what he’s doing. he finally runs out of steam and points at the dj accusing him of being the killer. madelyn simultaneously points to the wife and accuses her of being the killer.

the real killer hears this commotion from the hallway, walks into the room and confesses. he then takes out a gun and tries to shoot the dj, but he gets away and david fights him on a rooftop, where the killer electrocutes himself recklessly swinging a lead pipe into a neon sign


s1e3 Read the Mind – See the Movie
s1e1 Pilot
s1e4 The Next Murder You Hear
s1e2 Gunfight at the So-So Corral


80s TV was bonkers man!


s1e5 Next Stop Murder

a famous mystery writer has a contest to join him on a long train ride where he composes a new mystery for a small group of special fans. the quirky italian-american (literally the most ethnic character on the show) secretary wins the invitation and she’s a huge fan and is super stoked and the audience is happy for her because she comes up with cute funny poems when she answers the telephone.

david and madelyn jump on the train real quick to check it out, they’re not staying oh wait hang on the doors just locked on a timer, they’re in this for the duration. not long after they’re locked in (2 hours into a 24 hour lock-in) the mystery author is found murdered. the superfans + our crew from the detective agency + the author’s creepy assistant take it upon themselves to figure out who among them is the murderer, which they’re all ironically fully prepared to do.

the creepy assistant wears a lab coat and was doing chemical experiments in the adjoining traincar before the murder. nobody suspects him at all. one of the fans finds a bloody knife and grabs it all over the handle while she’s showing the others. the assistant says he has a fingerprinting kit and fingerprints everyone. he analyzes the results in secret while they wait in another car and chat. he then comes in and reveals that agnes (the italian-american secretary, her name is agnes) is the killer. he claims he can’t be biased because he’s in love with her, even though they just met.

everyone is stunned. no one suspects the assistant except for david, all along. he wiped any possible fingerprints off the knife before handing it to him for fingerprinting, leaving only his own. but the assistant never checked, and that proved his intentions. david accuses him of murder and the assistant throws a knife at them and runs on top of the train. david and madelyn follow him and he turns around to engage them in conversation, when a tunnel comes up which catches the back of his head. david cradles the killer’s limp body (he’s alive and conscious, but fully subdued by the 60mph brick wall that smacked into the back of his head a moment earlier) and shoots his gun into the air yelling yahoo like a cowboy


s1e3 Read the Mind – See the Movie
s1e1 Pilot
s1e4 The Next Murder You Hear
s1e5 Next Stop Murder
s1e2 Gunfight at the So-So Corral


Can’t top models do the equivalent of that now?

This moonlighting drop is interfering with scary movie October but hell yeah I’m into it. On ep 5 now. This show is fun as hell. Also appreciate that the seasons aren’t 25 episodes long so it’s not such a daunting task to power through the series like Magnum was



A great aspect that i can’t capture in the writeups is bruce willis’ comedic quips. His timing and delivery is flawless

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Yeah he’s honestly hilarious in this which I wasn’t expecting for some reason.

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maybe it came up in the tv thread, but didn’t recall that this was first time the show has been available via streaming.