English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

are tuesday’s champion’s league semifinals single game elimination?

re: superleague

so if you live in a town with a club and you go to their games and cheer the players on in person you’re a real fan? fuck those people, they’re just drunk party people, they’d cheer for anything, they’re there to party. i’m the real fan, 3000 miles away watching every fucking footstep because a significant portion of my paycheck is on the line with the sportsbook. and it’s not like those players are even from that area. and that’s with all sports, all hometown allegiance with sports is dumb for that reason. but that’s why world cup is so great. i mean, this i get:

plus i’m sure he had a ton of money on it too. that’s why it’s double fingers


Spurs are in a weird spot. They have the stadium. Mourinho payoff costs what a starting MF would. In a depressed market you can’t get top dollar for Kane or Son imo, but you should want to keep them anyway. But you have 2 world class players and the rest of the guys are…fine? With no one who can potentially reach their level. Hard to see them competing with the rest of the top 6 for the next 2 to 3 years in reality. Son and Kane will be good enough to keep them close, but not good enough by themselves to actually get them there.

No, they are two games but could be zero if UEFA brings down the hammer.


yeah agree with a lot of that—and while I wish Kane would stay forever (dude’s still underrated), in a normal window this would arguably be the time to sell high. And Sonny is a beauty but when his decline comes it’s gonna be way more precipitous than Kane’s. Still, overall I think they’re a little better off than you do. Ndombele is world class though they still haven’t figured out how best to use him. Reguilon is great; I don’t know how the Madrid arrangement will play out but losing him would be terrible. And yeah agree that players like Lo Celso aren’t blowing anybody’s doors off, and that if a sigh could fossilize then that would be our defense, but imo there’s still enough there that they should at minimum feel embarrassed by the last few months, and humiliated to point of seppuku if there were another St Tott’s Day any time soon

ok I’m just whining because of overall elegiac atmosphere that a really fun chapter is ending, and that we had our bite at the apple but instead ended up just doing some kind of clownface airbite dental seizure like val kilmer in top gun. And that this is finally the hamster wheel I boarded when I started liking them

Yeah, its obviously not ideal that your 2 best players are soon to be 28/29 and you can’t sell them and you’re competing with 12 clubs with better wages to give them someone to play with.

Like on paper ndombele/lo celso should be as good as any midfield in the pl but it doesn’t work as a 2. Sissoko is just bad, and Hojbjerg has been great, but I still don’t think he should be a nailed on starter for a club with t4 ambitions. It’s the xhaka/jorginho mold.

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You must have expected something like that when you first saw the club emblem was a chicken.

I was thinking about this the other day. We love the world cup for its diversity and the joy of watching the minnows of Zaire or Jamaica taking on the likes of Brazil, but when it comes to the SERIOUS BUSINESS of the CL we go “Oh fuck off Young Boys, even if you are playing a PL team at the Wankdorf stadium I ain’t watching that shite”.

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Might not be hard, but it’s 100% wrong


Yup, generally the Chief Execs or equivalent have been hung out to dry (not that I’m overly sympathetic to most of them) for terrible decisions taken by the billionaire owners.


The only thing that really counts is someone’s emotional involvement. They could be living in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world listening to the results on a clockwork radio but if they go to bed happier/sadder because of it they’re a “real” fan in my eyes.

Spending money has fuck all to do with it.

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That’s it, sweat & tears and sometimes a little blood is spilt because you had to bit your lip. :wink:

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If my club ever starts playing home games in America, which has been feared ever since Kroenke took over, that will be it for me - something undefinable will have been lost…a bond between club location and supporter.

They might still have the same name, play in the same colours, have the same emblem, the same manager and players even but to me it would be a different club and I’d move on emotionally.

Most if not all fans would be the same wrt that in the UK, especially in England.

I’m not even convinced of the benifit of a British league if celtic went, I’m not thrilled about it as it may just affect Scottish independence + factoring in the travelling to game down south imo would not be a pleasant experience, see any other match between celtic and English opposition.

I would come round to it though as long as celtic remained in paradise.

Our city’s clubs have a tremendous amount of support outside the city and even abroad who attend the games every week Hail, rain or snow and Infact was a benifit of my job in that I could get 1 run to cover my whole Saturday night and have a good laugh on the way.

I’m a scarfer, always have been, @marty I’m sure is an Ultra in lifestyle and tbh Marty is a true CelticFC supporter faithfull through & through.

I’m the same as its hurts me when they lose so much that I want to hide, I detest the fact of 12 o’clock games because of this, I know lol but it can waste a whole day or 2 expecially having to work on the Monday.


The joy of being a celtic fan is that everyone is welcome everyone, it’s a club for the working poor, always will be.

I remember my brothers friend who asked one day, whats the attraction, why is it so all encompassing and I said to him why don’t you come and find out as you love sports more than most (His dad brought him up through the golf clubs) and I’m sure you’d like to see a game, that was during the 2nd year of Mr O’Neil tenure.

A few tickets and I let him go on his own and a few games down I get a call & in that he tells me he lost his wallet at the ground and before I could say shit, he’s like AND it got handed in wtf they wouldn’t hand that in in the club house, yup that’s paradise buddy.

He fell in love, watches every game while teaching down in England and shows his pupils the Celtic way & that is to be kind, considerate and have open doors to all mankind to bring peace love & happiness to everyone on earth.

We even built a stadium to accommodate y’all


And provide solidarity to the workforce


And whether its our club or the hundreds of others up and down the country the 1 thing we have in common is the common people.

When corporate whomever finally takes over it will be the death of our game as we know it, I have no doubt on that.

“Football is more than a game” is a nice way of putting it, it is our life. :sunglasses:


Lol your an Ultra at heart & I mean that as a compliment brother :v:

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Who didn’t see this coming… :cry:

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That’s a great post - brought a tear to the eye.

I’ve never heard the term scarfer before - but I like it and describes me, or did before Mike Ashley ground my love into the ground. I can’t quite let it go though


I can feel the pain, we had it too in the late 80’s early 90’s with the biscuit tin board room.

Don’t let that man take your love away from the club you know it is as 1 day he will be gone forever. :hugs:

Thanks :v: