English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

To all Manchester United supporters,

With best regards,

Joel Glazer

Another day, another dike goal


in the 93rd minute.


Iā€™m neither wealthy nor poor but a poster attempting to poverty-shame someone is quite the ā€œleftistā€ forum mascot. Shame on you and your total lack of class.

Iā€™m not only closer geographically, Iā€™m a lot closer emotionally than someone who probably doesnā€™t even remember players/managers before Wenger, let alone the slump of the late 70s and 80s or the first double before even then.

But Iā€™m always pleased that some are only too happy to pour money into Kroenkeā€™s pocket so he can take out 30M for ā€œconsultancyā€, while also reducing the financial burden on supporters with actual ties to the club - my TV subscriptions are more than enough as they are. Keep buying the shirts lol.

On perma-ignore now.

I did not poverty shame you. Your wealth did not cross my mind. It did not cross anyone but Yuvā€™s which is why you did not even make a reply to that in the many you had before you had a timeout. Keep stoking that ā€œIā€™m a real fan youā€™re notā€ fire though, itā€™s a great look!

For someone who is so, so condescending it is so, so pathetic how you have to be a victim on this forum at all times.

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The only thing I specifically mentioned was a patreon that costs $6 a month, after he condescendingly told me I donā€™t know anything about the club if I donā€™t listen to such, when I apparently listen to double the amount he does because Iā€™m not paywalled.

Honest question that I asked yesterday.

Do you think Jalfrazi deserved the time out?

I think it is a huge detriment to this forum that every time any mod action takes place 12 people have to weigh in about it and as a result, from an initial one or two actions that should have been over well over a year ago, the same gripes remain. I donā€™t care at all to be dragged into a long debate over such petty things.

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Iā€™m not attempting to drag you in here, it was an honest question for the football thread so we can move forward.

Thereā€™s supposed to be a lighter modding regime here, for instance you could call me anything in here at anytime and I will never take offence or report it.

Obviously obvious slurs will be reported by someone Iā€™d say so we have them covered.

I know you probably didnā€™t report it here and Im hoping your also in favour of light modding here as is done on other sports thread all over.

Wookie made a reference to some back and forth with ikes a couple of days ago that he thought was close to the line or something so itā€™s clearly being monitored (I WONDER WHY), and I noticed your point in the Moderation thread about lighter modding itt wasnā€™t answered, SHOCKINGLY

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We used to have a Sports mod but heā€™s not active anymore

What pissed me off was that CN reported the post as soon as you wrote it, made me angry he was obviously following here to troll us, ahh well he let himself down unfortunately.

Probably only looked up an American player for this reason.

Yeah, I did think his reactions were ott and a bit odd. Not suggesting thereā€™s a conspiracy or anything of courseā€¦

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Nice to offload Paddy, GL mate :+1:

If it were me Iā€™d just spell it Lester City instead of Laychester City


Itā€™s Lesterehu


Yep thereā€™s no doubt that this is part of it (though iirc theyā€™re not in as bad a spot with stadium debt as for example Arsenal were fifteen years agoā€”and some credit to Levy for that). But for me the bigger theme is that weā€™re now in a spot where current Spurs fandom believe (and are encouraged to believe) that we should be top-four quality every season. But where the rubber meets the road is that we continue to be outspent by the other big six, sometimes by double. Hard not to conclude that for the last decade spurs have been riding Bale and Kane among others and simply punching above their weight. Leicesterā€™s 2016 is one of the best and unlikliest sports stories ever, but man, that was the chance.

I guess the plan has always been that once stadium debt is cleared, bigger stadium + bigger global profile = more Ā£Ā£Ā£ = more Ā£Ā£Ā£ to spend, but Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. That one window where spurs bought literally nobody, I mean, that was just funny, like, that was borderline trolling

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