English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

Not sure why you quoted my post when your link doesn’t contradict anything I’ve said here or have any new info? We’ve known since last Friday that the English teams were brought in last minute by Perez and Angell. Chelsea wasn’t even asked at all until that day!

It was a rushed job to pre empt the new CL revamp because the Spanish/Italian teams are in dire financial trouble.

Are you actually claiming the English sides didn’t know anything about the Super League until just before it was announced

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I’m not clicking that post but the podcast he says he listens to actually stated that Kroenke was an early sign up to it lol.

This wasn’t a long term goal of PL sides, we know that. Don’t you remember project big picture? That was only 6 months ago! That was driven by the top EPL clubs and is directly at odds with the ESL.

If the PL clubs had wanted this, when the last TV deal was up for negotiation they would have played this card. Instead they played a wildly different one, completely at odds with it.

Of course they signed up when Perez offers, the deal was $400 million in cash, up front and if you don’t join your rivals will.

So not only do you think the owners had nothing to do with it, you think the chief execs got a phone call off Perez the day before and thought ok, sounds good, I’m in

That’s quite the take


I didn’t say “nothing to do with,” but they weren’t the ones driving the bus.

You actually think they proposed project restart then were the ones coming up with the idea for the ESL within half a year? Again, these two plans are completely at odds with each other. One was thought of by only PL clubs, so we know exactly what they wanted. One was thought up by Perez, so is much more his vision. Even Marty has posted several links stating exactly this.

Chelsea literally wasn’t asked to join until the day before, that’s been widely reported. I dont know why you guys don’t do basic research before posting.

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stubbornly trying to build from the back vs city is iffy but doing it with winks & lo celso while ndombele and the phantom of moussa dembele watch through their fingers is pure doom. Also bad: commentary by Twellman and Klinsman; Klinsman legit just called for the return of Eriksen while Twellman spent halftime looking for a Top Gun volleyball game to sub into; it’s gonna be a long second half unless Sonny and/or the version of Kane that’s so busted you’d send him back to amazon in the same box collaborate to roll a natural 20


Ahhhhhh The joys of football, the highs and the lows but sometimes there’s special moments, moments that would leave the opposition in aghast and they usually happen in the cup, it’s does not matter which Cup tbh, there just special moments like when you turn off the game at the 2nd half of extra time as you see the dominating team finally get that goal the’ve been after for over 110 mins only to see the heads of the minnows go down in disbelief as their outstanding defensive line up was broken.

Well just such a game just happened and just such a person switched off his TV as the players took to kicking off again for those last few minutes, if that and texting your cousin to congratule him on a lucky escape, when he texted back with “Was it” and as I switched back over.

Well it wasn’t what I expected that’s for sure and there’s no effing way a fairytale is about to happen, or is it as I see the keeper rising in the penalty box, no the Minnows Keeper, in the oppositions box, yeah the last chance saloon keeper who manages to not only get his head on the ball, but fires it into the back of the net and rush to the empty stadium, and its still one of those magnificent scenes, even without the fans as you know thousands of them will be dreaming of another Cup win, another you ask, why yes, they won the league Cup just this year and now are into penaltys against the unbeatable team of the season and upsteps their penalty specialist, a tall strutting left back, but wait he’s just back from injury and has played 110 minutes, so we got a chance, no, and this keeper, there’s no way he’s letting all 5 of these penalties in after what he’s just done, is he?

And Boom!!! Or should I say not so Boom but buster, geez my son could have kicked it harder and its saved, the 1st penalty, yes the minnows have it, here we go, and for sure the next 3 penaltys go in with precision and there star keeper, probably the player of the season, flounders on all 3, and again their 2nd striker steps up, and as we all know football, you just know when a guy does a standing speed run and dosent move before actually running at it, then continually doing the speed run as he moves is gonna fuck it up, big time.

So upsteps the young kid, to settle it, he’s not even flustered at this point as the’ve missed 2, the left back and their 2nd striker, he places the ball and walks back, calm as the stadium goes silent, runs up and scores, probably what will be his finest moment in football, after all beating the unbeaten at their home ground is something to be proud off, those goals have lasting memories, not only for their fans but for all of Scottish football and gives hope that even being the one sided, green eyed, glaswegian that I am, I can see the joy and benefits of having up and coming future stars both players and managers, after all 1 Cup down and who’s to say their not favorites going into the final, which they are tbh. :100:

Yup, you can take the man out of Glasgow, but ye canny take our teams out of Scotland, that’s a fact. :ok_hand:

Long may the ESL die a slow death.






Final nail in the coffin of people saying EPL owners didn’t know about it before 17th. :laughing:

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…that was you guys. Swanky posted saying Woodward didn’t know about it until the press release! How do you keep getting confused about your own position?

No one itt has said owners weren’t involved. I’ve just stated, as The Athletic has reported, that this was a rushed, last minute plan.

This is the best article to date on the subject.

Can be read for £1.

Like, do you just forget you make these posts? Where you had the exact opposite opinion of a tweet you just agreed with bizarrely?

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Could be huge…

Please make this happen and let’s get rid of this fucking useless twat and his failson.

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Who spotted him?



Can I get an American translation?

Insult for Irish republicans and by extension catholics


The word Fenian served as an umbrella term for the Fenian Brotherhood and the Irish Republican Brotherhood, secret political organisations dedicated to the establishment of an independent Irish Republic in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Them are fighting words, said in that stadium at that time is hate speech