English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

so many corrupt people are furious


yeah it’ll ding the sport a bit with $ pursuits but they’re right.

also an american laughing at no relegation = totally pointless and spectacle devoid of meaning.

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Imagine the NFL without the draft. How many games matter all of a sudden?

draft should be abolished anyway

if you thought you had a chessmate, you definitely wiffed

I guess you meant salary cap but washington would still spend the most and only go 8-8

Hopefully CelticFC gets invited if not fuck them…

At least I’m honest.

Did I mention to fuck UEFA & Fifa too.

Will I get these games on my stream?

Tbh, I don’t care, money talks and we as a club are in the minor leagues, it’s an absolute fantasy that we or any small club could climb that ladder nowadays, so I don’t care… I do hope it fails as that might give us lower tier clubs a better chance in the future.

The only way more than half the franchises’ in the NFL stay relevant is because the shitty teams get the first picks (yes I’m aware they can trade this). Anyhow dying sport as its literally killing its players and soccer moms don’t want their little brats playing it anymore.

As if the CL isn’t all about the money, lol fuck them

nfl revenue looks pretty damn good prior to the pandemic.




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I should refrain from comments on a Monday after a beating by our rivals, but this shit has me laughing out loud atm.

I tell you going to seville, it didn’t matter one iota that it was the UEFA Cup, it only mattered that it was a final and I’d bet felt no different before that game than in 1967.

Im sure tradition is good in some aspects like soup & sauce making though. :joy:

And for some that’s all sport is. Which is sad for them.

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That’s not the point at all. The point is that your assertion that football is a dying sport is not really true at all.

Fake news?

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Yes if you look at four specific variables and ignore every thing else you can make a case that football is dying. You just googled ‘football dying’ didn’t you?

I mean, from the article:

Of course, while trends in Super Bowl viewers are intriguing, as a business the NFL is very well insulated from any broader cultural shifts in attitudes towards football. Consider that in 2019 during the regular season, NFL TV ratings were up from the year before by 4.7 million viewers per game. In 2019, of the top 50 most-viewed TV shows, the NFL claimed 47 of them.

Basically dead.

Maybe the NFL will have some sort of death spiral in the future, but it’s by far the most powerful sport in the largest sports market in the world. Calling it dying is hyperbole at best.

A shrinking grassroots player pool usually doesn’t bode well but time will tell.

Following the American model of socialism for the rich and brute force capitalism for the poor isn’t going to give football fans the high drama they’re used to but it will probably satisfy a new generation of cartoon-loving morons.

There’s not enthusiastic support from Americans Marty.

It’s funny that those spearheading this are Perez and the Juve CEO yet the American owners are getting all the blame online.

The Glazers, Kroenke etc aren’t involved enough day to day to be blamed for this. Woodward and Vinai did the leg work according to the athletic.

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Me: ignoring your stupid ass drama
You: bringing up your stupid ass drama all the time

good riddance