English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

The current CL kind of sucks. You get 6-8 teams in who get crushed. Another half dozen who are barely competitive then half the big clubs are out at the first KO stage.
Europa is even worse for this.

The 3 more clubs, any speculation? I’d assume PSG but what about the German clubs given there are some fan ownership issues?

They were Bayern, PSG and Dortmund, but Dortmund is having second thoughts.

The red bullers will jump in surely

Yeah, that’s the problem if this actually does get going. If you’re Dortmund, Spurs etc if you say no your spot will go to Everton, RB etc. Then they earn a few hundred million more than you and buy better players than you have.

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That’s what I read happened with Chelsea and Man City (per guardian iirc) they were less than 100% but can’t have the other teams get so far ahead.

Makes sense because they are already so far ahead financially of clubs with owners who don’t inject billions.

Yanks do love a good leveraged buyout

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Haven’t seen any support for this.



It’s in their release. Doubt Figo read it. He’s literally employed by UEFA as well.

Uefa, who have recent seeded playoffs to favor big countries, and expanded the euros so big countries never miss are mad that the big clubs want the same treatment. Morons.

Don’t usually quote my own posts but


Good article and the headline does sum it up

This thread doesn’t seem to have noted the relevant FAs have said the ESL teams will be banned from domestic competition. For England, teams reentering will be assigned to the Conference.

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That article is bad though. Once in 15 years has a non top 6 club made the CL group stage in England. No club outside the 15 initial have a chance at winning the CL. There isn’t anymore imbalance than the status quo, just the illusion.

That article really does hit on all the romantic notions people think of football that are truly, truly stupid. It’s painful to read someone who thinks they’re a talented writer when they’re rubbish.
Never in my life have I seen a football match that was a “battle of culture.” Leeds are the most exciting thing to happen to English football this year and Bielsa won’t even speak the language.

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A desperate and sad bluff. Akin to betting $2 into $10k on the river with 7 high.

A scummer has it pretty much spot on


Uefa, who in reaction to big countries missing tournaments added seeding to playoffs and so many more teams to the euros big teams can’t miss out are mad that clubs want the same thing.

Except you still have to actually qualify even if most of it is going thru the motions.

I think there should be some kind of European Super league however there has to be some mechanism where teams can be promoted into or regulated out off. I get that this proposal is not aimed at me - I won’t be buying any fucking sports package unless Leeds are involved - I mean I can’t even remember the last time I saw a ECL game and i believe I get them free. i just don’t fucking care unless we are involved. Christ I didn’t give a shit other than a basic casual interest about the Premier League for 16 years. But I did buy ESPN + cos they showed Championship games. I bought games directly from the club in all that time. But I’m not the audience for this so its a big fuck you to me as it is tho to all the actual football fans even the ones who support these clubs. If all this happens enjoy your soulless experience because that’s what it will become to most.

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I don’t know about you but here it’s romantic notions (connections with local areas or family etc) that draw kids to supporting a particular club.

The history between some clubs from different cities goes back a long way - you seem to be unaware of this - which is what he means by “culture”. Leeds were historically actually a very good example of this, but you’re possibly not aware.

As Superleeds above says. these changes are designed to be soulless entertainment for people who want spectacle devoid of meaning.

And then there’s the crucial question of no relegation making it a competition where no one can really fail ie totally pointless.

hell yeah. vamooooooooo

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