English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

It’s been mooted for a long, long time, but now looks as if it’s coming to fruition (if a giant entitled turd is capable of bearing fruit - and that’s from a supporter of a club that would benefit hugely from it).

The idea is to create a league of (self-selected entitled) clubs from the major leagues to play each other instead of participate in the EL and CL, year after year, with no qualification process, and forever dash the hopes of teams like Leicester, West Ham and Everton.

UEFA aren’t doing themselves any favours with their to-be-announced shake up of the CL looking horrible - each of 36 qualifiers will play 10 games against other teams instead of the current group phase, followed by play-offs and a knock-out stage, so I think that’s 4 extra games for everyone that none of them need.

No one really wants this much football - less is more - but if they stick it on TV enough of a global audience will watch each game I guess.

I’m torn about the ‘super league’ or whatever. Despite loving the fact that teams anywhere are capable of being regulated or promoted, it would be pretty fucking cool to see a game like Chelsea - Real Madrid basically every week.

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Not sure if this 100% legit

I think its partly a bluff and partly hubris on the American owners of some of these teams. Uefa is threatening sanctions, but they couldn’t even uphold their CL ban for City for clear as day FFP violations.

Well this is exactly what we should have expected when clubs sold out to American or oil owners.

FA should have imposed a no foreign ownership rule a long time ago but of course they’ve always been apathetic and completely fucking useless.

Not in any way related to this, of course…

While it kind of sucks, I’m sure as fuck not feeling bad for uefa or fifa. They’ve been corrupt forever, now someone wants to disrupt their stream of income.

Oh, the people who took bribes for world cups and to avoid penalizing teams for breaking ffp and transfer rules are upset? A bit rich.

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There are much bigger issues than a fight between EUFA/FIFA and a bunch of other greedy bastards.

Take a look at what some of the supporters’ organisations are saying.

The Everton/Valencia/Lazio tier get shafted, no doubt. Matchday fans of these teams will get hit by higher ticket prices. Arsenal laying off so many while plotting this is ridiculous.

But the current champions league product does kind of suck. The alterations they were set to announce today that inspired this move don’t help.

A big part of the problem lies in seeing sporting competitions as products stripped of sporting history and the devotion of supporters.

If these clubs go down this route they should all be relegated imo, including my own. Let’s see how committed their filthy owners are to them when they’re in the Championship.

Juve being relegated for fixing matches had them winning nearly 10 scudettos in a row soon after. Barely a blip to their reputation and they were literally fixing the games.

Relegation for the big 6 in England where they’re still making more money and all up in 2 years would barely be a punishment. I also doubt it would hold up in courts.

True about Juventus but that’s Italy where corruption in all walks of life is an open secret.

Relegation for the big 6 would mean at least 3 clubs spending at least 2 years in the Championship with a huge loss in TV rights and match day revenue. A lot of players would leave and all in all it would be a horrendous period for the clubs and their supporters, who would go into open revolt.

Anyway, the PL are almost as clueless and spineless as the FA so none of this will happen.

Agree with this 100%

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If you kick clubs out of football doesn’t a new club with the same ownership appear at the same stadium in the same colours?

It would be better for everyone if the 12 owners were banned from football.

Some similarities with the Packer cricket tour - ban every player who takes part in any of the new games from domestic and international competitions. Not sure how legally enforceable that is, though.

I would just let them play in their Super League, but kick them out of the domestic Leagues,

Obviously the Premier would lose a load of TV money, but tbh I couldn’t care less

I’m looking forward to a day of drama today anyway, more rewarding than following the Toon

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Jose gone - the drama continues

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I find this nativism humorous. As if greed is somehow not British or European.

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The courts that cover sporting decisions. The same ones that overruled the City CL ban. Where do you think the bosman ruling came from?

The ESL has promised these clubs $400 million a year. They would make more money in the championship and the ESL than the EPL and CL as it currently stands.

These clubs are worth billions. If they’re not owned by the fans like German teams, any owner will perpetually seek to make more money. These clubs don’t want to split their money evenly with Krasnodar and Burnley.

Perez is the architect here, who is as Spanish as they come. The Italian teams are owned by Italians. Yet the EPL teams are getting most of the blame somehow. I suppose left over fury over British teams being owned by Americans.

The Juve director and Perez seem to have done most of the work in this through reporting by The Athletic.