English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread


Enjoy the party my friend :tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:

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Just glad you havenā€™t called BenĆ­tez yet - weā€™ll be needing him in a few weeks.

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I live in Brighton, Iā€™ve got a pretty good idea,

And I second that emotion

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Benitez is the only thing Iā€™ve enjoyed about football since Ashley took over my team. And this is coming from someone who despises anything LFC.

I genuinely love that man. If he went to Arsenal or Celtic he would be awesome, both exactly the sort of teams he should be in charge of.

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Iā€™m giving myself a Boxing Day treat by going nowhere fucking near tonights game



Yeahā€¦ This is the team Iā€™d prefer, giving Barkas a runout seems OKā€¦ Letā€™s see who plays on Saturday but Iā€™d think brown was in.

Missed the goalā€¦ Streams murder lolā€¦ Found a better one now :grimacing:

Edit : yeah niceeeeeeeā€¦ 2nd goal in his 113 games :wink:

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The unrelenting joy of having Steve Bruce as your manager

On our ā€œambitionsā€

Steve Bruce, June 23rd 2020:

"Can we finish in the top 10?. Thatā€™s got to be our challenge. That would be a wonderful achievement, and thatā€™s all Iā€™m focused on at the minute.ā€

Steve Bruce, July 27th 2020:

"If someone said at the start of the season ā€˜would you be happy to finish with seven teams below you?ā€™ weā€™d have taken that.

ā€œBut thatā€™s not enough. We want to push for the top 10 on a regular basis and not look over our shoulders.ā€
Steve Bruce, October 31st 2020:
"Weā€™d all love to be competing where the club was 20 years ago or whenever it was.

"But the way we are at the minute we have to accept thatā€™s the way it is and try to keep moving inch-by-inch closer to what weā€™re trying to do ā€“ which is definitely finish in the top 10.ā€

Steve Bruce, December 23rd 2020:

"If youā€™re a club like ours that expects to be in the bottom half of the Premier League, itā€™s always tough.

"My remit is to make sure Newcastle remain a Premier League outfit, and thatā€™s what Iā€™ll try to achieve. Thatā€™s where weā€™ve been for the last two or three years.

ā€œOf course for Newcastle, in many peopleā€™s eyes that isnā€™t enough, but thatā€™s where we are.ā€

And on the fans - he seems to generate more hysteria than the Bay City Rollers in their prime

Steve Bruce, December 26th 2020:

"We had a bad week, and some of the mass hysteria (from Newcastle fans) in my opinion was unjust, unfair, and a lot of it was not right in my opinion."
Steve Bruce, September 25th 2017:

"Of course here, at a club like ours, it turns into mass hysteria (from Aston Villa fans). A couple of bad results and all of a sudden itā€™s the end of the world again.
Steve Bruce, August 26th 2011:
ā€œIt shows you how difficult it is up here. The mass hysteria (from Sunderland fans), I find some of it pathetic, to be honest."

unjust, unfair, and a lot of it was not right in my opinion.

Steve Bruce - the unacknowledged master of tautology.

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:point_up_2: :ok_hand:

Must watch for the Phil Collins sketch :rofl:


Me too woke up at 8 am ffsā€¦ Fell asleep at around 3 am after a night of gaming with the boys :facepunch:

Thought Iā€™d sleep in tbh :relaxed:

Regarding the team, this is what I wanted too see apart from jullien missing, Iā€™d have preferred a confident Duffy, I guess Lennon canā€™t trust himā€¦ Bitton being in there could be trouble.

I reckon it will be a fairly open game with goals & us winning by the odd goalā€¦ 1-2 or 2-3ā€¦

Itā€™s the 1st time eddy & Griff are playing together against them, I think we got this brother.

Hail Hail.

This sounds fun, Iā€™m sticking it on.

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