English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread



Soro & laxult deserved there chance today

Hail Hail brother :facepunch:

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Just put mine on, after I forgot to there after going in my room & grabbing a splif I left in there from last night…

It’s actually an amazing day in history :tada::bouquet:

Com’on the Hoops :v:

A Classic :ok_hand:

I was staying in the BB along the road ffs, we got evacuated back to Glasgow… :grinning:

It was our holiday for starting secondary school… :grimacing:

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What a goalllllllllllllllll

Me too… I knew he would do that to him… Hahahahahah

Did u see the way Gordon thrown the ball back out the goals :blush:

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He thought he moved away from the Premiership to get away from us too…

We are celtic supporters, faithful through and through, over & over we will follow you… WE ARE CELTIC SUPPORTERS :kissing_heart:

It was… Showed the reply just now

Christie had hit it out with his arm lol

I was the same, thought it was never in in a million years lol

I’m stunned

Com’on young man, make yourself a hero :pray:
