English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

The joke here is that Arsenal is in the EL a lot.

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jwax beat me to it, but we could kneecap Haaland tomorrow and Man City should still advance easily.

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Here’s another question for the hardcore fans. Why is Arsenal/Spurs a bigger rivalry than Arsenal/Chelsea?

As I understand it, spurs/arsenal are in the same part of London and the hate goes deeper for several reasons, but is very much related to that.

Thanks. I knew spurs and arsenal were closer, but I was wondering if there was something else.

There’s other stuff too that involves class and religion but that doesn’t happen imo if arsenal doesn’t move to north london

Nobody cared about Chelsea until they got rich and started winning and most fans of other teams still don’t care either way when Chelsea is involved. Their fans weren’t part of the big rivalries in the 60’s and 70’s either that shaped much of UK football.

Basically ~110 years ago arsenal moved to Islington, a nicer/more affluent area and were the more dominant team for basically the next century and Spurs fans are salty for that.

No one cares much about city or Chelsea rivalries because their success was bought.

And while the Spurs/arsenal rivalry is big, this was how it has been for basically the 90s/2000s

Man U/Man City seems pretty natural, tho. Right?

Because City were shit until oil money, Liverpool is a bigger rival despite City being closer on the map.

True. I never personally gave a fuck about City until the money started flowing. But IIRC, City were decent in the 70s for a while.

You won’t find that many people caring about before the PL these days unless it fits a narrative or you’re quite old.

I’m too young to remember Arsenal winning the league @Anfield with the last kick of the game, but that’s a big part of their history.

Before the PL is like before the 3 point line in the NBA by this point.

I think there’s some kind of antisemitic angle with Spurs hate too, iirc

A bit from Chelsea fans.

Spurs did host an England/Germany game just before WWII broke out where the Germans waved swastikas at will and that’s still used as a jab on their history.

So spuds are the supposed anti-semites in this narrative?

I’m pretty sure their area of London has a bigger Jewish population, but the decision to host a German team on their ground in 1935 was…unwise.

english teams feel overrepresented in the world’s most valuable club teams (because of tv money, better global branding, etc) but it’s wild that both united/city and spurs/arsenal (all top ~ten valuable clubs) are each only four miles apart from their rival. Not to mention these two (top twenty) teams!

totally bonkers to me if everton get relegated

PS spurs didn’t decide to host the nazis in 1935, the london stadiums were on a regular rotation. All of England protested and two bodies filed separate official protests: the England FA and Tottenham Hotspur. Seems kinda iffy to imply it’s a slamdunk case that the team who’s the most prominent focus of antisemetic abuse was also the team specifically responsible for accommodating hitler


No. Tottenham has some connections to the Jewish community. Believe they’re the targets of antisemitism

Not an Everton fan obviously, but a good chunk of them being relegated would be down to their owner being Russian and them not having the pull of Chelsea to deal with the fallout. Pretty shitty tbh since they didn’t get the ~20 years of success Chelsea did.