English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

hmmm fan?

Slight fan. Only euro club Iā€™ve went to a game for (2019 home vs Brighton - during a UK trip). Watched every game past 3 years after that. I think my club membership is elapsed though.



Get fucked Chelsea


I gotta do this sometime.

My wife isnā€™t a sports fan at all, so that makes it difficult.

Only major club Iā€™ve seen live is Saprissa when I went to Costa Rica with my dad. It was a blast.

Also randomly saw a Greece v Lithuania WC qualifier (basically by accident) when I was in Vilnius on a solo trip for a few days.

Thatā€™s about it though.

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Pedro Neto missed a not dissimilar chance last week. He tried to walk it in and got caught.

My local team had a dude miss a chance like that a few weeks ago that blew up too


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Went to see Barca at home on our honeymoon. Saw Messi score twice.



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Go to Madrid. Either Atletico or Real will play on the weekend. Drop your wife off at the shopping district or museum district depending on what she likes and meet her 2 hours later. Same works in London but dropping your wife of at Harrods could be costly and getting tickets a lot harder.


+1 on this. Went to some random Atletico game because Real was away the weekend we were there. It was still a pretty great experience.

Yeah I get it I suppose. Iā€™ve been a Leeds fan since I was 7, almost 50 years, and for an awful lot of that time weā€™ve been not very good and for some of it absolute dogshite so itā€™s hard to wrap my head around a more casual way of following a team.


(fyi, this ball hits the post 100%)

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haha what on earth was orange keeper doing, I get being confused and thinking it went in, but of his teammates, the farthest forward clearly never thinks it scored and most of the others do the normal human thing and just hesitate and anger shrug; only three of them do a casual half-hearted hug way later. Meanwhile, the keeper has somehow already sprinted to the sideline and is two beers deep into his celebration with the benchā€”more proof that keepers have been and will always be a tribe of lunatics!

exhibit B is the distribution by neon greenyellow keeper, ok fine the dude made a bad rollout where it looks like heā€™s at least 51% at fault, hey it happens, but then the best part is how he rightfully panics and willie mays freaks out back to his line but then turns the wrong way and lays out in a full slip & slide louganis only to blast through the middle of his net like a trapeze apprentice while the ball itself lands pretty softly and hits the literal post three acres to his right. Would be funny to see yellowgreen celebrating fifteen seconds later, I bet he didnā€™t sprint straight to the bench



Second tier Americans continue to take over Scotland


just purchase hospitality tickets imho. everything else is way too confusing.

Web3 joke club Crawley Town beat fullham 2-0 lol

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Iā€™m ready for some matchday 4!

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me too rivvy, there are a bunch of sweet plot lines this season and if somehow city donā€™t run away and hide then for me this is shaping up to be one of the most fun seasons in forever

NB Iā€™m clockwork orange brainwashing myself to think of the world cup as the first cool international break of all time

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Also got a full midweek matchday #5 Tuesday and Wednesday, bookended by this weekend #4 ( kicking off in 7 hours) and next weekend #6