Elon Musk: The Reichest Man Alive






Republicans and techbros. Which is a pretty large demo, tbh.

I don’t think many Republicans would actually be interested when there are other ICE models on the market. To attract more Republicans, they will need to add an external speaker so the truck can offend the ears as much as it offends the eyes.

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elon was on screen speaking at the afd party thing

like a true globalist

If it’s so good (I believe you,) why are there so many videos on Facebook with it struggling in a half inch of snow or the tires sinking into dirt carrying a heavy load?

Pulitzer-level photo framing here


because it has incredibly shitty torque and grip and is meant to just go very fast very quickly, all electric cars seem to have this same issue which is why an electric truck hasnt really taken off yet. it depends on what package you have too - the ultra high end ones have pretty nice packages, but are way too ridiculously expensive to consider doing anything serious with them. I wouldnt be surprised if the sub 100k price tag versions are complete ass.

My car has a much lower profile and is basically built to do a quarter mile as fast as possible and nothing else and suffers from many of the same problems. without all the autopilot systems in it, i wouldnt be surprised if it’s incredibly difficult to drive. like, if you have more torque than the drive train can handle, you’re just going to spin and fishtail. too little, and you’re going to feel like the thing cant go up a hill or get out of slick conditions. I’m probably mixing up car terms here, I’m tired. I guess I’ll find out if I ever get to test one.

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Surely the median truck enthusiast cares more about acceleration than torque and grip? Let’s be real, American consumers just care about how big the truck is and how bright the headlights are.


I have never driven an EV or even been in one, but I don’t understand why torque would be hard to control. The relationship between torque and current in an electric motor is ~linear. Grip, if that means friction between the tires and road, is proportional to the weight of the car. And these things are heavy. Maybe it’s an operator problem.

EVs have a shitload of low end torque. When a car gets stuck in sand or snow it’s not because of torque. Traction and weight is an issue. EVs are heavy as hell due to the battery. I’m currently working on an off road capable EV (Scout) and having the right tires really makes the difference.

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I think that’s what people are saying: that torque is excessive when accelerating from rest, so tires tend to slip. But why is that true, when current and so torque should be controllable?

Edit: after a quick consultation with Copilot, I think the control systems aren’t quite good enough. Maybe a compromise due to cost.

Years before EVs were a thing I saw a muscle car struggle in stop and go traffic on icy roads and a curve that had a little slope to it. Every time he hit the gas his rear tires would instantly break free and spin and he would drift down the slope of the road.

Too much torque on a slippery road and your tires start spinning. My EV has a Snow driving mode which I assume is managing how much torque is going to wheels and how the breaks are applied, it turns my regenerative breaking way down. It doesn’t stop me from sliding around, but I haven’t had any problems starting and stopping.

So, yes, the control system is doing all the hard work on EVs, but torquey motors are going to be problematic when there is less grip than you are used to.

I drive a 5-speed with front wheel drive. The other day I had trouble getting off a sheet of ice. Had to put ice melt (bc it was what I had available) under the tire that was slipping. But also used second gear to reduce torque. Got out no problem. With all the fancy electronics on EVs I’m surprised they don’t do better.

Software is hard. Especially when you have opposed requirements: 1) go really fast in a straight line. 2) behave in low friction situations like snow and sand.

The control systems are fine. They will put down as much torque as the tires can handle before slipping. The main issues with getting stuck are weight and traction. Most EVs are significantly heavier than their gas counterparts and most stock tires are hard all seasons designed for optimal on road range, not low sand or snow traction.

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I have taken control systems classes. Software isn’t that hard. If the problem isn’t there the only thing left is the driver.

@Koss I don’t understand what you’re saying. If this is true

They will put down as much torque as the tires can handle before slipping.

then EVs should be better than conventional vehicles when accelerating from rest. And traction (friction) increases with weight, so that should also be an advantage.

As fun as this, I gotta go out for a while. But I’m gonna walk.

I feel like we need a Mythbusters episode on this.


an 'ythbusters imo