Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

e for elon

I hope you’re not arguing in favor of Western Values?

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‘Unless the woke mind virus…is stopped, civilization will never become multiplanetary,” Musk said gravely.



Elon sniffs his own farts, right?


Christ, what an asshole.


Makes sense. Not everyone will have the privilege of space life. Liberty, egalitarianism and brotherhood are earth concepts. We need Mars concepts like THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!


Neat trick of self deception. Like the normal right wing trope is that wokeness is weakening ‘Western civilization’ and Elon one ups it and says that wokeness is going to doom the Earth. A nice infusion of his life’s mission, to go to Mars, with right wing political goals as well.

Going to need you to define “done it” because my perspective is that only other people have done it

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i dunno, flew a rocket back, landed it and used it again. or whatever they’re doing with fuel or engines or whatever it is that makes spacex better than anyone else.

you can say money, but again then why hasn’t the us government or putin or china done it?

truly the day elon was ready to run for president

Yeah. That’s all stuff other people did.

The US government didn’t do it because dweebs like Bobman are in charge of the US government, and they said “no, you don’t understand, if we privatize** the space industry, it will be better” and then go “see what it did now that we privatized it? It didn’t do that before!” like we don’t all understand that technology progresses over time

**just give a blank check to whichever profiteer seems k-holed enough to give off a mystery vibe


“But it’s a skill to convince them to award you the contract” as if we don’t all see how out of touch and oblivious politicians are, and post about it here every day.

There’s no way to predict what they’re looking for in a contract recipient, no forecasting method Elon came up with and used to model his behavior on

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I checked out some of the ban the ADL hashtag, and holy absolutely bonkers levels of antisemetism, Batman!

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Elon monetizing Twitter by turning it into Parler.

You’d think people would have jumped ship by now but Twitter just you damn big for corporations to leave.

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The prototype is shockingly hideous and yet the production model is somehow even more hideous. Rather impressive actually.


“We have cybertruck at home…”