Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

Ghosts was just about the most recent series out when I started listening, I have Ghosts, Death Throes & Khans in S tier.

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Khans is A+ too

It’s definitely in jest, but I am applying stereotypes regarding sex drive based on looks/assuming he was in a marriage where intimacy may have fizzled out. Don’t think that would fall under misogynistic though.

If anything the more hateful/spiteful thing to do would not to divorce so she gets no money and keep side pieces/mistresses (if lack of intimacy was a root cause that is)

It is absolutely mysogynistic to assume that a woman’s sex drive falls off more than a man’s. Doing this based on looks is even more so. It’s most definitely mysogynistic to assume this is the cause for divorce rather than things like Bezos wanting to throw out his vows for a younger model, or that he is too involved with company and partying to have time for her.


Why is it misogynistic to think men generally speaking will have their sex drives fall off less than women?

Both anecdotally and in the data men largely have a more robust sexual appetite than women. Pretty easy to understand why when you look at evolutionary biology/psychology. There’s been studies done where participants are asked what their optimal # of partners were and mens answer was magnitudes higher than women’s which I think is a good litmus test for sexual appetite. For sex drive within a relationship there can be lots of reasons that might cause both parties to lose interest in intimacy and if that were the case I wouldn’t make an assumption who’s at fault.

Willing to concede I’m being a dick by assuming lack of intimacy is the situation based on looks. But here’s the thing you can distill a mans root motivation for why they do anything down to two things - avoiding boredom, and getting laid.

This ain’t rocket science and the obvious simple answer is usually the right one.


Yeah, Revolutions was great.

Oh, lol, is this Kelhus? No, your misogyny is not biology.


Lol, no it’s not. This is highly intertwined with cultural factors.

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I believe this was the study used and it sounds like they controled for those things


I don’t have access to download so if someone else does by all means (I can’t recall the precise numbers and would like to know).

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Even taking this study at face value, which is the best I can do given the paywall, you realize that it (1) says nothing about sex drive per se, only number of partners, and (2) provides ample evidence for why the man would be at fault in more divorces than women, even if their sex drives were equal? And again, I can’t read the paper, but I’m going to speculate that it’s awfully Western in its sampling.

Men having a number that is higher for their ideal number of partners should be a good proxy for sex drive/appetite. But I accept that it might not translate fully to a monogamous relationship. That being said Id be shocked if there wasn’t data suggesting that within a monogamous relationship men want sex to a fairly significant degree more than women within the relationship, and the delta increases over time.

Regarding what may cause either side to not be interested in intimacy can be a bit chicken and the egg. Bezos could very well be at fault for any lack of intimacy. I never suggested he was or wasn’t, just based on stereotyping looks of the two women(which I guess I don’t consider misogynistic, but if that meets the criteria of misogyny sorry not sorry) he paid billions to get out of a marriage that probably lacked intimacy to be with someone who was going to provide that.

It’s pretty lol to say that a guy who wants no commitment but one partner a week or so probably has a higher sex drive than a woman who wants to fuck the love of her life 2x a day. But even direct measurements of sex drive are not divorced from cultural factors! Men in America famously do less domestic work than women, even when both parties work full time. Is it any wonder that women might have lower sex drive than men just due to being more tired from the extra work?

It would be offensively misogynistic if you were to post Bezos apologia for him wanting to switch partners to a hotter one because she gives him a better boner, but to suggest that it’s not just that but in fact that Mackenzie Scott must be offering less sex because you find her less attractive to look at is a whole new level. Peace out bud. That’s just sick. What are you even doing here? Go find a Men’s Rights board or something.

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Welcome back to the forums! What caused you to post again after 2 years?

Uh I did not suggest one was more attractive than the other. I actually find Mackenzie to be more attractive.

What I was stereotyping based on looks was which would likely.want to have sex more/be better in bed, which was done in jest but if you want to call me a dick for that sure go ahead.

Hahahahhahahahah oh right, if you were trying to make a joke, it couldn’t possibly be sexist.

Out of curiosity what would you call it if I were to comment on a guy along the lines of that dude fucks based on looks?

I’m making a generalization about a guy being good in bed or wanting lots of sex based on looks but it can’t be misogyny because he’s not a women.

I’m not trying to antagonize or shit post, genuinely curious as this seems pretty equivalent to the generalization I made. I don’t think talking this way about a guy would be necessarily considered derogatory, but if you make an equivalent generalization about a women based on looks it’s considered misogynistic (which is filed in derogatory).

+1. And I assume she is smarter. Also I think both she and Sanchez are about the same age. Seemed like a huge downgrade, imo. But attraction is a weird thing sometimes.

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Man, you stumped me. I guess I just don’t have the vocabulary to come up with a word for when you pre-judge someone based on appearance.

Wouldn’t it fall under stereotyping as opposed to prejudice? Like I could understand you accusing me of misogyny if I had said something like “all women stop putting out once they get married” (which this is clearly not true).

I’m not sure why you find prejudice to be uncouth but stereotyping to be fine despite them being basically the same thing, but you do you.