Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires


it’s worth it

I’m sure, but I’m poor and have to save up for physics books.

I’m currently listening to the revolutions series. Very good if a bit dry.

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Do Haiti!

I just finished the Haiti season. If napoleon had just gone and recruited a slave army from Haiti instead of trying and failing to crush them what a different world we would live in.

Yeah, given the choice between thinking that Space Karen has a historically informed and nuanced perspective on Sulla and why he may be needed in the “modern day” and thinking that he has a level 0 fact floating around in his pigchip head that Sulla was a dictator that got shit done and sometimes you need a guy like that, well yeah…

Sulla did do Rome’s first January 6, so that tracks.


I may have most of that series saved somewhere, but it is well worth 13 bucks, it’s like 9 hours long and just as good as it gets. I think his 5 hour episode on Caesar’s conquest of Gaul is still in the feed for free, so you can give that a test drive, if you like the tone & style it’s very representative of what the downfall of the Republic series is like.

Here’s a YouTube link

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Revolutions is amazing but man it’s a lot. I started at season 1 and am now halfway through season 7 (1848) but feel like I’ve forgotten most of what I’ve learned so far since it’s taken like two years for me to get this far


Yeah it’s more about the broad strokes for me. I don’t care too much about the names and dates but that every “revolution” (as far as ive gotten anyway) is kicked off essentially by rich people seeing that their overlord is weak and not wanting to pay taxes/duties anymore is pretty funny.


That was Howard Zinn’s take on the US revolution, if memory serves.

I have found that I enjoy relistening to them, and after the 3rd or 4th time things start to stick. I guess because it’s the first one and one of the shorter ones, I’ve listened to the English Revolution maybe 4 times and have a decent sense of some of it. I never listened to the American revolution, for some odd reason I find most of American history kind of boring, and I have multiple listens of the French and Haitian revolutions. But yeah stuff that I listened to only once, like 1848, I can only recall a few basic things.

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That’s what I need to do but I’ve been so slow that I feel like it’ll take 10 years to get through round two haha

It’s definitely a lot, but the supercut of the English Revolution is like 8 hours, as I’m almost always doing something else while I’m listening, I can get through it reasonably fast.

Probably liked Russian the most. Think it’s over 100 episodes.

If you pay for YouTube you don’t get commercials. There are a lot of audiobooks. Was recently listening to Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (though think that’s probably better in written format).

I can’t stand his prose, even Will Durant isn’t dynamic enough for me sometimes. I have somewhat recently read (not reread cuz lol college) some Roman history textbooks I have, those were surprisingly readable.

Interestingly, I recently listened to Durant’s 40 minute biography of Gibbon on a YouTube channel that has a bunch of Durant’s work. It has some interesting comments on his style, including that he started writing in French and Hume suggested he was much better served by less poetic English, which Gibbon agreed. He tended to get carried away in French.

Also, for most of his adulthood Gibbon had a bummer of a growing cyst on a testicle that had to be drained. A major fucking thing to deal with and he still managed to knock out a 2000 page classic.

So much he has done is absolute world class but ‘Ghosts of the Ostfront’ series is still another level


Posted in the desantis thread the other shoe drops as to Elons insane pro desantis turn

Gov. DeSantis signs car dealership protection bill banning most direct-to-consumer auto sales

But as Florida Politics noted previously , lobbyists, including Taylor Biehl and Jeff Sharkey of Tallahassee-based Capitol Alliance Group, hammered out a deal adding language to the bill that should keep Tesla galleries open.

The change confirms newer manufacturers like Tesla, Rivian and Lucid are authorized to hold a franchise dealer license for direct sales of EVs if they are not otherwise prohibited under federal law. That carve-out apparently does not extend to traditional manufacturers such as GM, Ford, Honda and Toyota, all of which now make battery-powered cars.

Suprise! It was just good old fashioned quid pro quo corruption.