Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires


For the record, in Lippa (2009) the author analyzed data from 200,000 people across 53 countries who participated in a BBC internet survey. He looked at self-reported height, sex drive, and sociosexuality, which is the technical term for willingness to have sex outside of committed relationships. There were consistent differences between the sexes on all three (all larger in men). As one might expect, sociocultural factors (he considered gender equality and economic development) affected differences in sociosexuality, but the differences in sex drive and height were consistent across nations. The author concluded:

The results for sociosexuality were most consistent with a hybrid model—that both biological and social structural influences contribute to sex differences, whereas the results for sex drive and height were most consistent with a biological model—that evolved biological factors are the primary cause of sex differences.

It should also be noted that variance in sex drive was about 1.6 times higher in women than men.


What is the difference to you between stereotyping and prejudice?

Thinking all Asians are good at math is definitely stereotyping. I’m not sure calling it prejudice would be quite right. At the very least it would be a bit weird.

Of course, whatever you call it, it is obviously incorrect.

They are both pretty lazy thinking, but I was taught that the biggest difference is that stereotypes aren’t associated with obvious negative connotations, whereas prejudice is treating someone poorly because they are a member of group.

Sounds like something a Scotsman would say.

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Until/unless we get our tweet embedding back, maybe we should just post screenshots instead. I don’t like going to the site to see what the tweet is.


My understanding is that stereotyping can have negative connotations, but the assumption is based off learned experiences and you are carrying over to something/someone else based on specific similarities (looks, situation etc). It’s root is as a defense mechanism for sensing danger (and we naturally do a lot of pattern recognition off limited data which is effectively stereotyping), IE i saw a cat with big claws eat my friend, so if i see another cat with claws I should proceed cautiously based on my previous experiences. Is that disrespectful/prejudice against the cat? Maybe, and all he wants is to be pet and won’t eat me. With stereotypes they are generally fine and harmless as long as you are constantly updating your priors as you are presented with new data/information.

Prejudice to my understanding is forming an opinion with no previous knowledge or learned experiences, and I think is almost always considered to have negative connotations.

My comment suggests a women that looks/dresses conservative might be more sexually conservative (which is certainly not always the case), and that another women who dresses more provocatively is less sexually conservative (also not always the case). This is probably a mix of both stereotyping and prejudice, and you could say the prejudice is from having no knowledge of those individuals. Prejudice can be based on someone being part of a group/race/gender/religion, but it doesn’t have to be, it just simply implies making a negative judgement without any knowledge or facts.

TLDR i was a bit of an asshole, but id appreciate being called the correct type of asshole.

I think the bozos thing is that they were together before he became an ultra-billionaire. When he got to that level, everyone in the world began treating him like a god, and his wife probably treated him like a normal husband.

I imagine he could find a 19-year-old yoga pants model if he just wanted a hot chick. He didn’t do that, he just wanted to reset the power dynamic at home so that he’s the bigshot 24/7


Never mind the evolutionary biology, he misused “woman” and “women” at least twice in one post; this just has to be Kelhus.

ETA: This is mostly in jest, sorry I made fun of you craptor. Your “joke” and subsequent defending of the joke has been pretty bad though.

the argument isn’t over whether the joke was good or not (which it probably wasnt a good joke), the argument is over whether it was mysogonistic which i think is categorically incorrect.

Are you Kelhus?

no, i have no fucking idea who that is. my handle on 2+2 is ducksauce.


I envy you.



"They’re not the only brands with low approval ratings right now. Here are the seven brands with the worst reputations in America, according to the poll:

The Trump Organization
Fox Corporation
Spirit Airlines
Americans named the Trump Organization as the company with the worst public perception in the country. It’s the only business on the list with a “very poor” overall score, the lowest possible tier."

Imagine how many wrong ideas Elon had to have about reality to buy Twitter and immediately run it into the ground.

Hell, for some reason we could link tweets for years and now they don’t show up. Thanks Elon.

Got a hold of that article. Might be some small sample size issues but here was the TLDR (if anyone wants the pdf happy to send):

when constraints were progressively removed women did not desire more sexual partners by a significant amount, where as men significantly desired more partners as constraints were removed.

study 1:

study 2:

That being said, I can agree that this might not be a good proxy for whether or not sex drives diverge within a monogamous relationship at significantly different rates on average. Of course now im going to go down the rabbit hole to find a good study on that in particular as Im curious if it does or doesn’t (my hypothesis is that on average within a monogamous relationship a mans sex drive decreases much less than a womens - but implementing proper controls is likely a nightmare for such a study).

Harem lifestyle

Why is tiktok on there. The evil chinese

Maybe I’ll never understand, because I’ll never be that, but I feel like the hardest thing for ultrawealthy, famous people to have is genuine relationships without the money fucking up the dynamics too much. He had it.

Even money he’s got one or more yoga pants model sidepieces on the DL.

to follow up the the second question related to sexual desire and relationship duration, this study seems relevant


the person that grabbed me the previous study is offline so ill bug him to get my this one when hes back online.

would prefer a sample that has a larger or older age range.