Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

Have you, uh, heard of the 14 words?


The article gives the impression that there’s been significant progress and that the animals are generally well treated and aren’t constantly stressed and tearing at the implants but who knows. Elon’s gogogo demands scare the shit out of me. Things are likely to blow up in his face eventually. Well maybe not his face, but somebody’s.

Good thing they’ll have a blowhole in their skull to release the pressure!


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Ah yes, the ones that died are the equivalent of the planes that made it home. We haven’t heard about the many that lived because they’ve been released into the wild and are living advanced chimp lives free of any media or publicity

And honestly Elon is such a quiet guy, it’s no surprise we haven’t heard about his successes

Quite the opposite! When he had good news to report he called up a friendly journalist and gave him a tour to show off how much better the animals were doing! The journalist wrote it up in Bloomberg! It was posted ITT! We’re actually talking about it right now!


That’s fucking wild because Aranofsky not only made Pi, he is making a movie about Elon Musk.

Could be the next Social Network.



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Two process servers also attempted to serve Musk at Shivon Zilis’ house. Zilis is a director at Neuralink, one of
Musk’s startups, and the mother of two of his children. But in at least one instance, the person who answered the door at Zilis’ house told the process server they didn’t know Musk, the court documents said

Elon crossed the streams or converged inverse tachyon pulses from three time periods or something. Anyway it’s all coming together.

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The journalist wrote it up in Bloomberg! It was posted ITT!

Article is paywalled and I can’t get past the archive captcha. This is the first I’m hearing of good news on the Neuralink front despite regularly consuming Elon news to a near obsessive degree (to inform my short position). So far Elon has been caught lying about Neuralink, saying that the dead monkeys were already terminally ill (when in fact they were perfectly healthy before the experiment). And given Elon’s history of lying, fraud and psychopathery, I’m gonna need to see (or at least read) the evidence for myself before having any shred of belief in Neuralink.

Now we know why he doesn’t want people tracking his plane!


I’m hoping it’s the next Requiem for a Dream.

I would be genuinely concerned if I were Elon.

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About what? Our entire society is designed to protect people like him from consequences.

Have you seen Requiem for a Dream?

Yes, I still don’t understand the joke.

Aranofsky is clearly an artist with a strong vision and rather dark conception of the world. The projects he has taken on are selective and eclectic. If he wants to direct a Musk biopic it’s likely because he wants to make a statement. I expect (and hope) it will be more Citizen Kane on acid than a standard biopic.


The “terminal monkeys” comment made me more optimistic on neuralink because it suggests he has no idea what’s going on there, so maybe he’s not self-sabotaging that part of the business

Not my circus, not my terminal monkeys with electrodes implanted into their brains.