Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

Absolutely not. If he’s trying to run in Texas he’s going to have to beat Cornyn and Cruz and that’s not happening for another couple of years. He’s used to being an autocrat not a whipping boy for autocrats which is what a Republican politician is.

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No way he’d go senate. President or nothing for him. duh he’s not eligible nvm

He’s so sophisticated and international in all black


he would easily beat either cornyn or cruz if he chose to. he owns the biggest misinformation disseminator in the world.

he’s not a natural born citizen, so senator the ceiling. doubt he would want governorship, and not sure if state gop would allow that. i imagine there’s a few senators who don’t attend committees and only show up to vote when their leader says it’s necessary

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Maybe, but a lot of Elon stans are pure keyboard warriors, no action.

To be fair his local news will have him and musk all over it. They won’t even mention he wasn’t there for the vote.

Hip fired a 50 cal… what a dbag.

He hip fired a sniper rifle, that’s the legacy of Call of Duty…


Now with video.


i’ve shot a 50 cal, confirmed fun af

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Probably trying to deflect from reports that his german plant is unsafe. Going down the comments makes your blood boil. And the best thing is that the tweet he liked isnt even accurate just some right wing Italian who wants the help the AFD?

My question is: How does he even come across those tweets?

And another question I always ask myself what kind of job is he and all the other right wing actually doing. Cant be that meaningful if you can tweet all day?

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Social media is an algorithm that helps people find the information or misinformation that they want to find. If Mush is a fascist dirtbag, the tweets find him.


He’s the CEO of two gigantic companies. So fuck all obviously.


Elon follows right-wing disinformation aggregators like Ian Miles Cheong.


He doesn’t sleep a lot so plenty of time for going to the border and whatever in between his genius business stuff. What I don’t get is how he veers so far from this.


That’s where he gets all his workers. This is the big rift in the R party, between the owner class who need workers, and the exurban/rural choads who live in fear of a brown country.

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I am a little alarmed and amused at the requirement for being hard working, talented and honest for citizenship. Does Canada require this? Asking for a friend.

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No, Canada has SOCIALISM so if you are lazy you actually get MORE money. Justin Trudeau personally banned bootstraps.


the photo of richest person on earth elon cosplaying johnny cash while at his photo op staring at a bunch of poor migrants just trying to make their lives better makes me rage internally.

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