Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

To each their own, but it’s a lot different and better imo when you sorta know the people like we do here. You haven’t had more than a couple interactions with most of the people you’re live streaming with on Twitter have you? It’s not like a bunch of “friends”?

We’re friends, they just don’t know me. IE - podcast friends.

sorry only-remaining-legitimate-advertisers, this website is a political arm of the republican party, your ads are so unimportant we’re going to run trump ads on top of your ads


not only is elon rigging the system to play a trump ad on top of an nfl promoted post, the “trump ad” is just instructions to comment on the nfl’s non-political post about how kamala is ruining america

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It’s weird. I don’t get much of any right wing posts in my “for you” feed. What getting lots more of now, even though I’ve said in the past I wasn’t interested, are the lib grifter accounts like Brooklyn Dad, Jo, and Kamala’s Wins.

That ad looks like a Kamala ad to me, socialist utopia? Sign me up. AOC policies Fox news.jpeg adjacent


Musk been pumping money to Stephen Miller right wing groups for a few years. :shockedpicachu


"In the fall of 2022, more than $50 million of Musk’s money funded a series of advertising campaigns by a group called Citizens for Sanity, according to people familiar with his involvement and tax filings for the group. The bulk of the ads ran in battleground states days before the midterm elections and attacked Democrats on controversial issues such as medical care for transgender children and illegal immigration.

Citizens for Sanity was incorporated in Delaware in June 2022, with salaried employees from Miller’s nonprofit legal group listed as its directors and officers.Miller, a senior aide in Trump’s White House, was an architect of the previous administration’s restrictive immigration policies and a leading backer of its socially conservative initiatives.

The following year, Musk gave $10 million in support of DeSantis as he ran for president, people familiar with his donation said."

If you judiciously use the mute function (people & words), you can avoid having your Twitter feed littered with crap you don’t want to see.

That said, the algorithm is clearly way worse than it used to be, and doesn’t feed nearly as much interesting/useful content as it used to.

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I believe the missing puzzle piece that will solve this conundrum is the Familyguyterroristornotcolorswatch.jpeg


It’s darkly ironic that Elon Musk is one of these “immigration will destroy society” crazies, but he’s an immigrant who is doing his level best to be #1 on the list of people who are doing the most to turn our country into some kind of dystopian hellscape.


The first people to get pissed about the new housing development are the ones who just built in the last housing development. Closing the door behind you is the American Dream.


Along with Familyguyterroristornotcolorswatch.jpeg it’s also a bit of


Pass. Fuck that place

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OK so the bottom line is they believe in their heart of hearts that white people are just better than brown people, right? Do they really believe that they’re somehow going to protect the purity of white blood for all eternity? Is it not blatantly obvious that at some point we’ll all be the same shade of beige (if we survive as a species that long, which at this rate we won’t, but anyway)?

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“Believe” is a funny word. I “believe” that the Rangers will win the Cup this year because it makes me feel good. I “believe” in climate change because of what scientists say and the evidence they have accumulated using sound methods.

Racists “believe” that white people are better than black people, but I think they mostly believe it the way that I always believe the Rangers will win the Cup next year.

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Not sure I have much more energy to deal with people who believe that climate change is fake but God is real.

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This “believe” thing you’re talking about, mosdef, comes up in our household from time to time. In Swedish, we have different words for the different versions of “think” (substitute believe as necessary). Tycker and tror, where tycker is more like “it is my opinion that…” and tror is more along the lines of your Rangers example, a hope/faith/belief kinda thing. Hm, even explaining it was kinda tough, hope it makes some sense.

Anyway, my girlfriend, whose first language is Lithuanian and second language is English, has trouble with this all the time, despite being nearly fluent by now. To a native Swede, this distinction is really obvious and natural, but in English the words mean the same thing, so it’s not an easy thing to differentiate and get used to. One of the few things I still get to “correct” from time to time.


By nation he does not mean governments. It’s a Volk thing

Just tell them God is testing them by seeing if they believe in climate change. All climate change deniers are going to hell because they are too selfish to help their fellow man by making the necessary lifestyle changes to save God’s creatures and their fellow children of God. He works in mysterious ways.



Some personal news

Elon Musk followed me on X a couple years ago and has shared my work and been willing to respond to DMs about stories from time to time, including a back and forth we had for a story on the Secret Service last week.

Earlier this week, when I respectfully approached him via DM about his Sunday claim that Biden-Harris was ‘fast-tracking’ illegal immigrants to vote and provided information showing that confirmed it was not the case, Mr. Musk unfollowed me and blocked me from DMing him and said asking him for comment for a story via DM was inappropriate — despite him being willing to engage in the past. We did reach out to one of his companies, but did not receive a response.

Below is a link to our fact check on Mr. Musk’s claims that Biden-Harris are flying migrants into the US and expeditiously granting them citizenship. Buried lede: It’s absolutely false though we were unable to reach Mr. Musk for comment.

washingtonexaminer.com/news/3172844/f… via @dcexaminer