Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

This is basically my utopia and their hell.

Holy shit when you’ve lost the Washington Examiner.

And how did I miss this?


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lol at anyone who tries to engage with Musk or any MAGA chud in good faith.

Maybe I’m misreading all this, but it feels like there’s a lot of “look at how much of a hypocrite this person was to me” posts when to anyone paying attention it was always the most likely expected outcome.

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When I first saw people scraping the zest off citrus I was like wtf, that’s literal garbage. But I was wrong. Lemon cake with lemon zest is awesome.

Probably my favorite NewsRadio joke is when Lisa became manager and spent all night baking to try to get everyone to like her.

Dave: Is that lemon zest?

Joe (Rogan) walking by: You know it bro.


I wish someone who defended Musk in any way could explain their theory of how he got to be like this. How can he not see how hypocritical he is on free speech at least? Mental illness? Drugs? Stroke? Just getting so rich took away his inhibitions and his racism and immaturity were just let loose?

Zest provides the flavor of citrus without the acidity. So it has a culinary function depending on what you want to do.

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Never knew this was the purpose of zesting.

I’m sure an actual skilled/knowledgable chef could give you a better explanation, but that’s what I understand from my amateur home cookery hobby.

So I guess the question is how do we make technological progress without the jackass after taste.

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As far as I know, zest doesn’t have an after taste, but the pith does. If you manage to get the zest off without picking up any of the bad tasting white stuff below then you should be good to go.

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Never defended him but pretty clearly it’s the same shit as Trump, massive, massive narcissist + realizing that no one on Earth is capable of holding him accountable for his actions.

Biden hurt Elon’s feelings so he is all in for Trump. But isn’t Elon worried about the blowback from Ds if Trump ends up losing? Lol, no.

When was this? Was there a moment like when Obama roasted Trump?

His Super Bowl tweet got more likes.

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Also no WH invite to give his EV takes.

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This is after he starting talking about the ‘woke hive mind virus’ and buying Twitter though, right?

Did he get Jordan Petersoned?

Root issue seems to be Joe pro-union and Musk a union buster.


WH EV meeting was in August '21. Speculation was Elon wasn’t included due to Tesla being non-union. Elon’s first mention of “woke mind virus” was the following December.


who the fuck is buying teslas now? rogan bros? is it some kind of status symbol?