Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

I do not Twitter, got that off Reddit.

I meant Elon.

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Only if she’s 5’3".


Rosie may be bulimic.

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Agree there a various types of intelligence. Strongly disagree there is any evidence he ranks highly in any. As for EQ, he clearly ranks in bottom quartile.



I couldn’t do it on the spot but I assume I could relearn given three days, especially considering I know it’s going to be integration by parts going in.

The option to sort replies by most liked seems to be gone. I knew it couldn’t last. It was a nice way to get around artificially promoting the blue ticks.

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Remember Elon on COVID?

Tbf he sounds like the median guy who went to college here

I was just being a jerk and wanted bobman to remember Elon’s COVID takes.



Man this person can WRITE


If my child ever posts at me about anything rather than wanting to talk to me about it I will consider myself an utter failure. Let alone a long detailed series of takedowns.


I assume it gets easier when you hate said child and think they are a sub-human defective animal. You’d hope it still stings a bit tho.

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No doubt?

Incredible. Do you have any evidence or are you just on the bobman train that capitalism doesn’t allow for a bad-at-business person to have “success”?

Just completely unable to understand sample size issues or the context that governments were primed to give billions to someone in space and EV and that it’s possible for a human to position themselves in front of that spigot by accident rather than Machavelian intelligence?

That’s true but it in no way means Elon has some hidden intelligence we’ve never seen evidence of

Some people think a broken clock has very high intelligence in specific areas

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The keys to Trump and Elon’s success/riches are 1) specific intelligence in how to work the system, and 2) a complete lack of morals, the willingness to do anything, screw anyone over to work that system and triumph.

They aren’t “good” businessmen in the classic sense of the term. Trump, especially. Musk at least did co-create things in the beginning of his career that catapulted him to his later fame and fortune (though he was born rich).

This is definitely not consensus