Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

As vaguely as possible. In the same way one might say a marathon runner, a sprinter, and a powerlifter are in the “top 1% of athleticism.” I think “intelligence” is an excessively vague term that has been given a false aura of precision by measurements like IQ tests. Sure, one can learn a lot about athleticism from a 100 meter sprint time, even much of one might want to know for most purposes (we could even call it an AQ test), but it isn’t some actual assessment of “athleticism,” which (like many concepts) is an inherently vague concept.

My point isn’t that Elmo is actually in the select 3.3 million person club of “top 1%”, he may be in the 33.3 million person clube of top 10%, but I grant the former because his behavior is simply inexplicable assuming he has some level of intelligence and is “normal” psychologically.

I can read 2000 year old works from ancient romans like Cicero or Marcus Aurelius, who are as different from me in culture, technological and social context, and personal situation as one can be while still being human, and yet they make more sense to me in their thought and behavior than Elon.

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I’ve definitely reduced Facebook in part because of what I’ve read here.

Now it’s major announcements and an occasional doom scroll of the video feed in browser.(I deleted the app)

The next step of your analysis is to realize that top 10%, or top 1% even, is not worthy of admiration because they all have flaws and should not be regarded any higher than any other human


I never did FB or Twitter and have not been entirely successful in boycotting Amazon, but not too bad. I really should think about Google. They have gotten worse and worse.

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Let us not forget he is hopped up on drugs.

Let us not forget his grandfather and father were/are bigoted nutjobs.

I’m curious about this one

  • I could have done this in the past, but probably cannot do it now
  • I could have done this in the past and probably can do it now
  • I have never been able to do this, and could not do it now
  • I have never been able to do this, but I could figure it out in 3 days
0 voters

When I first voted I didn’t see the 3 days prep but I changed my vote now. I took Calc 1, 2, 3, linear algebra and differential equations in college 20 years ago, and haven’t used it since. I couldn’t do anything but maybe the simplest calculus now. But with 3 days prep I think I could knock some of the dust off and do the easier stuff again.



Note this isn’t a retweet. He just straight posted it.

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More evidence that Elmo has no plan and is just an angry toddler. He tells himself he’s serving his interests but is his own worst enemy. Even Trump is a better judge of his own self interest.

When you sell a $50k+ product you probably don’t want to alienate white collar workers.

If you want higher taxes on the wealthy a good strategy is to get a political party to strongly dislike the richest man in America. It’s just crazy to me how much Elmo acts against his self interest. Then again, you don’t get that rich doing cost benefit analysis.

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By any reasonable definition of intelligence, someone actively alienating his own customers is not very smart. Put aside being a Nazi, drug addict, narcissist and all around piece of shit, the guy is just not very bright.

I think Leon has a legit shot of hitting Worst Person Ever status, but his wealth makes it so that nothing he does will ever matter to him at all from a financial perspective. He does not need customers, he does not need anything from anyone in that regard.

I have two dogs. One is older and super wise. She is a deep thinker. But she will not walk through a door that isn’t fully open, never knows which car is mine, etc. The other dog is a total lunatic who eats poop. But he is clever as shit, has figured out how to open the trash, will wait until you leave the room to do things he’s not allowed to do (like open the trash), etc. Leon is the second dog.


It’s pretty common for the kinds of emotional and psychological problems that drive stuff like being a Nazi, narcissist, and drug addict will also cause a person to act much less “bright” than they otherwise would. Our culture seems obsessed with the idea of intelligence as some objective and independent feature of a person but it really isn’t. Pretty much everyone who exhibits high levels of intelligence in one situation / task will make profoundly stupid decisions in other situations. That’s part of being human.

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Same. I don’t think I could recognize “This can be solved via integration by parts” without prompting, but I think I cold knock off a basic textbook problem.

This. We need to stop pretending that a BA in physics overrides every other piece of evidence we have that the man is a halfwit.

But, like, he doesn’t need customers for his wealth. His wealth is far more a function of him being a widely-talked-about eccentric than it is the financials of any company. I don’t think it’s a particularly hot take to say Tesla’s share price would be more negatively impacted by Leon losing half his publicity than half his revenue. If he’s seen as boring and old hat, that could be catastrophic for his wealth. It’s far better to be hated and talked about. You think this is a sane world, and it’s just not.

So Musk became a sex pest because the other sex pests weren’t giving him enough follows? The equestrian community wouldn’t give him the time of day until he bought the silence of a victim of (his) harassment with a horse?

Elmo seems mad that Sam Altman is out-POSing him

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There are different types of intelligence and there’s often at least moderate correlation between them. No doubt that Musk is an exception and grades highly in some, very highly in maybe one type and incredibly low in a lot.


26/09/24!? Get that European crap outta here elitist!