Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

that’s it. that meme is the whole “joke”.

pretty sure like coasterbrad said it’s just engagement tiktok. some people say the answer is. “so good → no good”, but i think i read somewhere that they tracked the original person down and they were just like “yeah it doesn’t mean anything.”

the internet is a weird place.

I am pretty sure nobody has ever figured it out the post itself became a meme because it’s so dumb

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maybe but “the person who posted this really does have an IQ of 55” is more satisfying

I can’t believe you guys don’t see it


New Twitter accounts fed stream of right wing bullshit.

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I’ll say again that this is an easy thing for me to say because I was never a huge Twitterer, but seriously, delete Twitter.


Bluesky is much better as a news aggregator than Twitter, FWIW.

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This is like telling me to delete heroin from my life. Sure, it’s bad, but I know how to use it responsibly.


It didn’t seem like many people here stopped using FB the 3 years everyone said everyone should stop using FB. Doesn’t seem like it’s any different with Twitter.

I’ve never used Facebook and stopped Twitter like 9-12 months ago. Although I sometimes come across tweets to repost here or read tweets here, I don’t go to Twitter and scroll

Use blueksky and only facebook is used for remembering birthdays

They sold zip2 in 1999 during the largest economy boom in the country’s history. It was bought by compaq to enhance its altavista search engine. All 3 of those things are dead as fuck now. Im pretty sure I could have sold one of my farts in a jar back in 1999 for 300 mil.

26 year old nursing assistant by your nide?

People still here blowing Musk in 2024 is something.

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Nobody here is saying Musk is a some kind of a genius but saying he can’t code is just as dumb at the other end of the spectrum. Pretty sure everyone on this board hates the guy but some people can’t see past that hate at all.

I don’t give a fuck if he can code. I don’t want to give a fuck about this asshole at all! I care about him because tens of millions of impressionable people seem to think he is worthy of admiration, with very real and destructive consequences for society.

The idea that he is disliked because people don’t respect engineers, or something, is transparently absurd. He is disliked by me and every other remotely decent human being because he is an abusive self absorbed nazi piece of shit using his vast resources to make the world a much worse place for people who want to be left the fuck alone.


I’m willing to assume Elmo is in the top 1% of intelligence. That puts him in the same league as 3.3 million other people in the US. But his brain is uniquely broken, likely due to narcissism, believing he is much smarter than he is, and/or just generally being an asshole. I do not believe he is stupid enough to believe the shit he retweets/promotes, so that means he thinks he is pulling the wool over the eyes of other people, which is sociopathic behavior that disrespects both truth and other people. Or, he does believe some chunk of the shit, which means his brain is genuinely broken, whether from drugs or mental illness.

One thing these people tend to believe is that they have a hidden master plan/strategy behind all the outward bullshit (Trump believes this; so does almost anyone who publicly supports him–they all have an angle they’re trying to play). However, the master plan behind the outward appearance of the deranged is usually just as ill-informed and deranged as their outward presentation, just with a different emphasis.


How are you measuring intelligence here?