Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

No, but it would certainly be a lot easier having an assistant to grocery shop and a personal chef to prepare healthy meals for you


Do you think he actually believes his own bullshit about going to Mars?

That’s a good question. He’s obviously interested in technology and was big into SF as a kid and was in the Mars Society and tried to deal with the Russians to get rockets for Mars missions with at least concepts of plans going back to before SpaceX. But what’s he actually done in the 22 years since starting SpaceX? How many actual missions to Mars, of any kind, has SpaceX been involved in? I could be wrong but my count is zero (0).

You are probably right, but on first glance “getting to Mars” sounds like something that would be important to someone who plans on being around at the point things become uninhabitable here. I genuinely know very little about Musk though, just going on instinct

If you asked me before he bought Twitter I would have said he does not but now I think he absolutely believes it.

i go to the gym 5-6x a week. i’m talking about getting them good drugs and living there :rofl:

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Direct link to story


Wouldn’t it be easier just to add a likes+likes@200 variable to Elon’s likes.

So you absolutely don’t have to hand it to him, but if I spent xx billions of dollars on that crap I’d make everyone there read my stupid thoughts too. But 2 years later or whatever, unlike elmo here, I’d actually be wondering why people still use it at all instead of why they don’t use it.

The only way Twitter still remains functional for me these days is to make liberal use of the mute function–both words and accounts, with Musk being one of those muted.

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This is the long and the short of it, as that article I posted above details.

Like Dump, he wants more than anything to be loved…so he will do and say whatever it takes to make some segment of the population love him. Even when he must know that it’s not real.

If I wanted to be loved I would study and figure out what is needed and them implement that. Elon has done the virtual opposite, to the point of endorsing Trump, who has like 30% support among college educated (the people Elon cares about). Elon maybe wants to be loved for being Elon, which is like wanting people to like shit sandwiches. But I really don’t think he wants to be loved, at least not more than he wants to believe he understands the world when he does not.

Trump is like a logical contradiction. If any conclusion one reaches implies Trump or support for Trump, then one’s argument is demonstrably false. Call it a reductio ad Trump.

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Literally Gavin Belson


Apparently it’s a 140 tweet day. I mean if someone posted 140 times in a day on UP I’d probably hit them with the cat paw moving hand off keyboard gif. Probably double cat paws if they ran six companies.

Elmo fronts about running companies like a fifth grader doing a book report for a book he didn’t read


You have to account for the fact that Musk is not mentally stable. I think the fact that his actions aren’t well-calculated toward meeting his likely goals is a sign of his irrationality, not necessarily an indication that those aren’t his goals.

I think “loved” is the wrong word though. He wants to be admired as a kind of Asimovean engineer-hero. A lot of his life story is actually pretty well tailored towards that goal, he just failed to understand that individualistic engineers are only admired by society in fiction, and that (together with copious drug abuse) has drive him mad.


Not sure what specifically he’s referring to today but sure.


Individualistic engineers can be reasonably widely admired, but Musk, angry that he never had the technical brains to be The Woz, instead became an even more megalomaniacal version of Steve Jobs.

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