Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Caving to Brazil?

Maybe Diddy. Rumors are flying. Could be Epstein 2.

Usher deleted ALL his tweets. Some guess it’s diddy related.

Alternatively, he’s a moron lockbox asshat narcissist who hit 13 straight blacks on the roulette wheel. There is basically no evidence he’s ever been good at anything except bullshitting and luckboxing.

The difference in your assessment of Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon is strong evidence for the theory that American society doesn’t admire engineers. They’re both MAGA shitheads, but Dimon is a nearly pure parasite who schemes his way into the role of chief parasite on Sandy Weill’s coattails and you gush about what a great manager he is. Musk builds a production car company and a commercial space company from scratch and you think it’s luck.

The problem with this argument is it’s both. Both are awful humans who have luck boxed.

That’s not actually a problem for the argument. Even if they both lucked into it, Dimon achieved corporate vampire success and Musk achieved engineering success, but Musk is the one who everyone feels compelled to convince themselves is not just an asshole, but actually stupid.

If you think that both Musk and Dimon are talentless idiots, then fine. But I don’t think that’s the general view.

I don’t follow it that closely but my understanding is musk has zero engineering or coding skill. Am I mistaken?

His one skill is siphoning off government money. I’ll grant you he’s really really good at it and it’s one of the best skills to have, but that’s all he’s got.

Lol, Musk isn’t any more of an “engineer” than Dimon.

Musk gets more hate than other businessbros because he forces Naziism onto everyone’s timeline and makes himself a public spectacle on a weekly basis. The idea that people hate engineers is silly, his whole 2010s rise to fame was on the back of the Tony Stark engineer/entrepreneur-bro image he was cultivating!


Musk and his brother wrote the first version of Zip2 so anyone saying Musk has zero coding skills is just not serious. No idea if that code was any good but the idea made him and his brother very rich as they eventually sold it for $300 million.

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It’s not zero but he’s not as knowledgeable as he pretends. He’s as much or more of a bullshit artist as engineer. Maybe he actually believes some or most of what he says. Or maybe he thinks saying it will make it true or at least make people believe it and doesn’t care about the difference, idk.

I know a lot less about him and in the end he may not be much less bad but Bezos is an actual engineer and will probably do some Mars shit before Elon.

From the account in the Vance biography, it wasn’t. Elon thought it was though.

I don’t think anyone is saying Musk is a complete moron with zero talent. Just that he is no where near as talented as he thinks and that most of his success is the result of luck rather than his massive genius/skill. Musk is a moron when it comes to many things (like being a father, his political views, running twitter), yet he thinks his every thought is a pure stroke of genius.

Dimon as far as I can tell does not suffer from these delusions of grandeur (at least not nearly to the same degree). He knows what he’s good at and focuses on doing that and not other things. He does offer his views on political stuff, but doesn’t come at it with nearly the same delusional view regarding the importance of his views that Musk has.


Does anyone think Musk could solve an integration by parts problem by himself if we gave him three days to prep for it?

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Interesting that he has any coding skill. I was misinformed.

As for luck, the richer you are the luckier you were. Full stop. People are so bad at thinking all thier success is just hard work.

Dimon and Musk both have some combination of talent and luck, but the biggest character trait that they and many extremely successful people share is psychopathy.


So is this like “Me and Einstein developed the theory of relativity”


As a physics major who codes for a living, I think advanced math is a lot harder than coding. Coding is just linear algebra, logic and common sense. It’s more about being clever than smart imo.

I’m sure Elon is technical enough to get basic coding issues if he has time to dive into them. But the problem is once you get out of the game, there’s so much background you have to get up to speed on to really understand the nuts and bolts of what’s going on. Having the boss dive in and try to offer solutions is usually going to lead to a lot of silent eye-rolling by the devs.

You can’t have a software architect who doesn’t actively code. Maybe eventually things will settle down and that will become possible, but right now tech platforms are still changing too much too fast.

I don’t know about Dimon, but the reason people think Musk is dumb is because he says and does so many dumb things, not just because his politics are conservative or regressive or libertarian or whatever.