Elon Musk: Dork MAGA


Pretty good piece

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Can’t buy exercise.


He could afford the world’s best trainers & personal chefs though to keep himself fit & healthy if he so desired. Which he obviously does not.


that’s near the top of my ‘if i won a billion dollars’ dream, let’s get a trainer/chef/doctor and see what i can do!

or at least ozempic. bc with $250 billion or whatever he has, the only thing you CANT buy is time. next closest thing is to at least be healthy…


It’s not that expensive to exercise and eat well and also not hard to get info on it.

I guess that is expensive.

That depends. How much is your time worth?

Not much. It’s really cheap for me to exercise. I guess billionaires can’t afford to though.

I was half-joking, but for me the biggest hurdle is not money. It’s time and just being tired from too much other shit to do. I was probably at peak health and fitness right before my first kid. It’s been downhill since then.

So much can be explained by the narcissism and personality disorders. People like this 1. Straight up deny reality (he would probably, like Trump, tell you he’s in the bestest possible shape), and 2. Exercise does not give him an ego boost, ergo he doesn’t do it.

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I’m not a billionaire, and I’d rather do just about anything other than eat lettuce and run on a treadmill. I imagine if I had unlimited money and could literally do absolutely anything I wanted at any second of the day, that wouldn’t make the treadmill a more appealing option.


Worth noting that most of these guys literally think they will be able to live forever. I don’t know is Musk has addressed this publicly, but I would make a small wager that he is one of them.

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smash that mf WE GOT HIM button fam

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He kind of has with comments about getting to Mars within his lifetime and at least giving the impression the reason he is in such a hurry to do shit and is justified to ignore and fight regulation and break the rules is he wants to live to see things.

I think there are high opportunity and other costs to staying healthy and fit. It takes a lot of time and effort and is generally a pain in the ass. Some people enjoy it but most hate it. I can do it because I can be sufficiently single-minded. Musk has that capacity too but is also impulsive and has no real constraints.

I guess I peaked in college, but right before my first kid was a pretty good local maximum and then I mostly went downhill, but not too bad. But, I’m exercising a lot now that the kids are grown-ish.

When you spend every waking moment on Twitter, there’s no time to exercise.

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Right, he can have an army of people who make every meal he eats to the exact macros he needs to have a perfectly balanced diet and he doesnt.