Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

him stopping does nothing though. even if the money he spent means he’s ahead of everyone else, they’ll catch up within months if he stops.

stopping everyone is clearly different.

Imagine saying that you think the singularity or whatever is only a couple years away and that there is an immense danger to civilization while being one of the top 5 or so people in the world investing in it moving forward.


somebody else will spend the money if he doesn’t.

hell i would.

I wouldn’t.


if the other 4 don’t stop, what difference does it make?

i get it.

but somebody is gonna do it, might as well be me. :man_shrugging:t3:

I think climate change is going to fuck us, but I’m not rolling coal.

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Paul Dirac sometimes paused for a full minute before completing a sentence. It may have been a brutal wait but I doubt many people thought he was an idiot because he didn’t talk fast.

LLMs may have gone about as far as they’re going to. Far enough to be sometimes helpful at the cost of doing an undetermined amount of damage. Elon’s AGI timetable is, I want to say, unrealistic.

The Neuralink stuff is meh. People have been sticking electrodes into brain tissue for a while now and still haven’t solved the most basic issues. AFAIK Elon’s company is not leading in this area, except in terms of PR.

I don’t expect to be around to see a manned Mars landing and I don’t know what real difference it makes if it takes a generation or 10 to establish a colony. If we care about the long term prospects for survival we’re better off working on improving our chances here.

Elon was interested EVs going back to college but now he mainly seems to view Tesla as his personal piggy bank.

The one think I’m sure of is I’m tired of Elon’s bullshit.


I’ll still ship. The writeup was above and beyond the call of duty. Or gimme a charity and I’ll send $100.


Multicultural empire dominates the world for centuries. Finally falls, as all empires do. “Yep, definitely the multiculturalism”. These racist fucks.

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Nah I only had to watch 1/5 the time :joy:
So maybe $20 to some charity that Elon would hate–a good Trans-supporting charity?

Because I don’t think it will ever be used to “advance civilization” or whatever these guys claim. It will just be another accelerator of inequality and destruction, hoarded by the few at the expense of the many.

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Yeah, taking suggestions.

My fiancée suggested The Trevor Project, mental health for LGBT youth


I’m not a “futurist” so don’t really pay attention, but are we really not getting a human to mars in the next 50 years?

I wouldn’t bet on it, personally. Ironically, it’s the increasing sophistication of AI that makes it much harder to justify sending humans out there.


Amazing, thank you

Great dedication too


He is, without hyperbole, one of the worst stand ups I have ever seen. I have no idea who thought “Lets take this really bad stand up turned podcaster, and give him a stand up special like 20 years after he last had a stand up special on TV.”

Its ludicrous.

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You might make it 50 but I won’t.


I think 10 years is unlikely.