Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Much like Bill Mahr, Joe Rogan switched from being a comedian to doing politicsbro material largely because he’s not very good at comedy.

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10 years is so ludicrously not likely. He’s such a snake oil salesman.

His original standup was edgy and kind of interesting, like Bill Burr. But the two took very different paths since then.

Also Rogan was great on NewsRadio playing a conspiracy nut who thinks he knows better than all the world’s experts on everything. A huge stretch.

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Lol, nobody on earth has ever even BEEN there, and he is somehow going to solve colonization and the ability to both get to and land on Mars in less than a decade.

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If Matt Damon can do it anyone can do it


We can’t even figure out how to get back the samples we dropped.

There are so many nasty problems like cosmic rays and human body degradation. I feel sorry for those astronauts up in the space station for a year or more. Their bodies will never be the same. Their bone density will never recover.

How many times in a decade is Mars even in a spot where we can get to it?

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I don’t think it’s a given he understands the danger, the reason he wanted the “pause” was that he’s way behind and needs time to catch up

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Every 18 months or so

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He’s such a snake oil salesman.

Not long after SpaceX was founded in the early 00s, Elon proposed a mission to Mars by the end of the decade. I don’t recall, but it probably wasn’t supposed to be manned. Obviously it hasn’t happen yet.

I feel like ‘because they consciously chose to have too few kids’ has never been a problem until at least the 1900s.

Could be. It could just be greed, like how the Boring Machine nonsense was meant to stall work on trains because he sells cars.


This is a stronger claim than I’ve read from other sources I trust more…

i wasn’t gonna watch it bc a) i’m stubborn and seeing it first thing when i log in to netflix for a week was annoying, and b) it’s 1 less view, he doesn’t need gassed up any more than he is.

now i think i gotta watch it to see if it’s terrible. in theory, he’s used to talking/performing publicly and he’s around other comics frequently. i wouldn’t expect a student of comedy to be terrible, he should have years’ worth of bits written in a notebook right?

Let me know after you watch. Anything above “barely competent” will shock me to my core.

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if it’s more than 20 seconds of gender identity jokes, i won’t make it.

I looked to see if there was a verification and there is none, just uncertainty about a return date.

Yeah, at this point I think the astronauts probably end up coming back on a Dragon, but Starliner is probably fine, and I certainly haven’t read anything suggesting that it’s had some kind of complete failure.