Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

What’s with the suspense? What were the numbers? Can we at least get something approximate? Really don’t feel like researching the Klan right now.

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I got it at about 4 million in the 20s, which would have been about 4% of the population back then. Mind you these are just the card-carrying KKK members, there were millions more sympathizers.

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That’s a lot, but based on the build up, I was expecting more. Not sure what I would have thought if I hadn’t been influenced by prior posts.

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Fully 4% of Americans being in a straight-up terrorist organization kinda blows my mind.

The majority of white males in Indiana were in the KKK at one point, heavily underrated racist state

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This feels like it goes without saying, but I’m quite sure that well more than 4% of present-day Americans currently support the tenets of the 20s KKK.


Yeah, I’d challenge anyone to find a tenet of the 1920s’ KKK that is anathema to the 2020s’ GOP, other than “things you’re allowed to say out loud in mixed company.” Segregation isn’t something you mention out loud anymore, but that’s exactly what they’re wanting to achieve with charter schools.

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Just this weekend I was reading the Power Broker, and the author mentioned a few times how big the Klan was on Long Island and upstate NY at the time. I had to look it up!

Yes. Good article. Also under this umbrella of things the KKK and GOP have in common is support for the use of violence and terrorism to achieve political goals.

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yeah. also a WHOLE LOT of racism on the timeline because it’s the first time the Xcritters have seen Baltimore’s younger looking black mayor. who was saying absolutely standard politician stuff wearing absolutely normal “disaster speech” politician garb.

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Hopefilly a nice vest and jeans like our guy Ron.


The bots are having fighting over me now. Settle down ladies, there’s plenty of me to catfish.

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Lawrence Welk brings all the grandmas to the yard.

Vaguely Asian Gen Z girls love a good Lawrence Welk/Masterpiece Theater joke.

Brutal takedown.


And it’s getting difficult for even the most ardent capitalists to avoid how gruesome Musk has become. Racist slurs have soared since Musk bought the website, and he’s repeatedly endorsed the racist "Great Replacement Theory" despite telling Don Lemon he “doesn’t subscribe” to it,posting a vile video warning about a “flood” of illegal immigrants entering America to “replace” white people.

Musk retweets right wing psuedo-science, said that a post claiming that jewish people “push hatred against whites” was “the actual truth” beforeapologizing and telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, and suggested that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion would lead to plane crashes. His most recent posts include reposting a cringeworthy right wing comedian’s song about racism, an endorsement of a Joe Rogan segment alleging that squatters can steal people’s houses, a complaint about America’s “uncontrolled immigration,” and a post outraged at democrats for voting against a bill that would allow state authorities to enforce federal immigration law while defunding “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants.

Musk is a right wing demagogue and a pathetic, narrow-minded racist, one that endorses causes that suppress the marginalized and champion white supremacy. He is not a “free speech absolutist.” He’s a fascist-enabling cretin facing a class action lawsuit from 6000 black Tesla workers that described Tesla’s factory production floor as a “hotbed of racist behavior.” The only force destroying Twitter is Elon Musk, both through his disgusting, narrow-minded attention-seeking and his inability to run a company.


The business press spent years trying to gaslight all of us into believing this idiot reply guy was some kind of brilliant Tony Stark captain of industry.


huxley not orwell

i think about it this way. if the plot of iron man revolved around tony stark buying the biggest shitposting platform and publicly transforming into a stereotypical mid-century fascist, then it would basically be the plot of citizen kane.

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