Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

had 5 straight elon posts pushed into my feed today… all weird rightwing conspiracy shit.

please someone make a new twitter that actually catches on.

I think a fun way to troll Musk here is to ask for comments on orange man’s statements about EVs. Trump hates EVs. Musk runs Tesla. Kind of puts Musk in the sweating which of the two buttons meme.



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Wasn’t that one of the complaints Elon had about Twitter? That we had all these anonymous accounts with no accountability and we need real names and some kind of linkage to some kind of identification?

Don’t get me wrong, it was a bad idea, but it’s funny how Elon’s speed running along a parallel track of a give and take moderation policy as opposed to some kind of deontological moderation. But where as Twitter could plausibly say it’s got to protect dissidents of oppressive governments behind anonymity, he’s transparently just trying to protect neo nazis.

Pretty much. His hypocrisy as it relates to Twitter moderation knows no bound.

My positions are centrist:

  • Guillotines for billionaires

If only the border had been secure again south africans we wouldnt be in this mess.

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all this just to protect one racist mediocre comic artist.

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The news today is kind of a bust on account of Trump. So let’s check in on Elon.


This is from Justice Bryer’s brother. Fee awards to the winner are mandatory in CA anti-SLAPP suits.

SLAPP stands for strategic litigation against public participation, ie, attempts to silence free speech.

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The comments are all like this now:


The world’s biggest social media site becoming an openly Neo-Nazi website is one of those things future generations are going to read about and not believe when they read about the history of the 2020s. Like when you look up what percentage of Americans were in the Klan in the 1930s, you’re like “No way, that many?”

Do I want to know?

Umm I actually just started a book about the klan in the 1920s, seemed real fuckin popular


Yeah, if you look up Klan membership numbers in the 20s and 30s it will shock you.