Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

The worst part of driving is having to put my phone down. It’s the only time other than work or sleep I put it down for more than 10 minutes, and I don’t work much. It’s to the point I’ll take transit despite owning a car because I can use my phone on the train. In the United States.

Well, you definitely don’t put it down for that long when playing poker!

Exactly. Have no interest in learning betting patterns even though it costs me tens of thousands in Sklansky bucks.

Based on my driving experience, what I really want is a good self driving car that the OTHER terrible and dangerous drivers I encounter EVERY. SINGLE. TRIP. will adopt.

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What you see on the dash isn’t fully linked to what the AI ‘sees’ and its decision tree which is why whenever there is an issue the two don’t match up.

Edit: Yes I know modern AI isn’t a decision tree but people will understand what it means.

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I don’t find it hard but certainly find it annoying and avoid it whenever I can. But my solution is bikes and public transit :man_shrugging:

Well, I don’t care who does it as long as I don’t have to. Chauffeurs are expensive, so I’m not uninterested in alternatives.

I don’t care about the driving that much, but if I could do something else while driving or I could tell my car to go park itself somewhere after letting me out, that would be a game changer. Of course you could hire a person for these things, but it does cost a lot.

I was carless from 2018-2021 and HATE driving since I moved back to the US. My wife does 80% of driving when we go as a family and I just avoid leaving the house more than 3 or 4 other times a week. An actual working FSD, like I could be drunk in it or just browsing the internet on my way to work, would be really valuable to me.

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I hate driving… sure, let me just try and sustain perfect attention for hours and if I mess up, me and other people could die. Great system.


That’s the thing, even a self driving vehicle that pops off fairly frequently and murders everyone around it would still likely be way better than us dumb fleshbags. But, people have a pretty visceral reaction to robot murder vs. fleshbag on fleshbag murder for some reason.


Our roadways and vehicles were designed for human drivers and brains.
Even bad human drivers are still better than the best AI driving currently and miles better than what Tesla has put out.

That’s the thing, if you feel tired you get an energy drink/coffee/cocaine/ caffeine pills/ tea and you drive well again. If you don’t then you are irresponsible and your insurance goes up and if you continue to suck at driving then you lose your license.

With self driving AI, does the company lose their ability to turn on the function? Do they face heavy fines even after it was approved? Once a human passes a driving test they can still lose their license for being a bad driver.

I am generally suspicious of this technology in many ways, but I would be surprised if this is true.

Another part of the endless downward spiral of car dependency is that increasingly car dependent neighborhoods and cities is increasing congestion which a) increases the level of anger on the roads, which leads to risky behaviors, and b) leads to more serious outcomes when their are colliisions. Car manufacturers have done an admirable job of making cars safer for the occupants of cars when a collision happens, but when collisions happen pedestrians and cyclists are still extremely vulnerable. So you get this spiraling race to the bottom: Roads are deadly for pedestrians and cars → no one wants to walk or bike → people vote for more roads and parking → more people use their cars → roads become worse for everyone but especially for pedestrians and cars.

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By bad I mean like 5-10th percentile, not 1st percentile.

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The problem seems that right now (and likely for the foreseeable future) FSD is only better than humans in certain situations (e.g. struggles with hazy weather, cameras need to be clean and aligned, doesn’t work well in cities with lots of pedestrians, etc.). So if there were a way to limit FSD to situations where it’s better, that could help, but of course Tesla doesn’t want to do that (or admit the limitations). Plus, people are generally idiots, so lots who buy FSD are going to use in in all situations and/or not be aware enough to know when it’s not safe to use.

You guys should check out r/fuckcars

Whatever a man does with a tailpipe is cool with me, but I don’t really want to see that.


Wait until you see what you can do with a stick shift