Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Sorry I don’t know how to embed this video of Elon dancing like an idiot


I think that is actually the current prototype of the Optimus Tesla Bot

One of the first demos featured an actor in a costume. Elon wanted him to do a tap dance, but that didn’t happen.

Talulah Riley introduced him to Fred Astaire movies, which he apparently liked.

Ok, cool. I’ll just set a reminder to update my contacts.





Who is paying for these boycott Tesla ads?


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I really, really do not like Elon, and I think FSD is at least 5-10 years away. (I think general AI is much further off, but I don’t think robust AI is needed for FSD.)

But, am I in favor of anti-Tesla ads? https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/11/business/anti-tesla-super-bowl-ad/index.html

I don’t think so. Humans are terrible drivers, and I’m fine with AI driving killing 15k people if it’s a 70% reduction in the amount of humans killing people.

I’m in the “pull the lever” crew for the trolley problem.


Tesla FSD is way worse than human drivers and shouldn’t be allowed on roads.

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Tesa has not responded to CNN’s request for comment.

Two months after our ad aired, a child was hit by a while coming off a school bus

Did CNN fire their editors? It’s painful to read such a poorly proofed article. I guess humans are super error prone, maybe we need full-self-writing too.

Curious - how many FSD miles have you logged with which version?

I have driven over 400,000 miles in my life without a wreck. I have used FSD over a hundred times. I have never completed a ten mile drive on streets without having to intervene. At a minimum, FSD is a 40,000x worse driver than me and I enjoy driving. Why would I ever need it?

The biggest success I suppose is that I have made multiple trips on the highway from Los Altos to SFO using FSD. I would estimate that I have only had to intervene on roughly 50% of those trips.


Interesting. I have logged probably in the 300 mile range and haven’t had that experience. Must be highly variable depending on location. I also found the times I intervened were more out of convenience or like, thinking I knew better how to merge but weren’t going to result in a wreck. Didn’t have any times I thought I was averting any kind of collision. Guess it should only be allowed in Tier 3 (or smaller) cities and more rural locations.


I don’t have any FSD experience but have thousands of miles of standard autopilot with zero issues. It’s a total game changer for long drives and commuting. FSD was definitely released too early, and has given all levels of autonomous driving a bad reputation. If they just kept it locked to controlled access highways and basic surface streets for a while longer, public opinion would be a bit better.

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I don’t have any personal experience for Tesla FSD, but assuming this video was real, it seems unconscionable that this was released to the public.


Hahaha “those extra sensors, extra costs, you don’t need any of that, just really good AI” followed by the tesla swerving into oncoming traffic. Idiots.

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People have different anecdotal experiences with FSD, but Tesla presumably are sitting on a mountain of real-world performance data. The single best thing the company could do for itself is release a comparison showing that FSD compares favourably to human drivers or that serious progress is being made in that direction. The company has never attempted to do this. The logical conclusion is that it is impossible to spin the numbers to look good for Tesla.

This video from 6 days ago of a Tesla attempting to kill its occupants is particularly alarming, because it doesn’t seem to depict a Tesla simply misunderstanding the situation on the road. If you look at the display on the dash while the Tesla approaches the intersection, it suddenly changes its mind about which direction it intends to go, and it also shows that it knows the car that it is cutting in front of is there. The big selling point of FSD v12 was the removal of 500,000 lines of C++ code controlling the car’s decisionmaking; it’s now neural nets all the way down. Judging by this video, it seems like the cars are now capable not just of visual glitches but of “logic glitches” where it knows what is happening but makes inexplicable decisions anyway. The error in the video isn’t just one thing that should literally never happen, it is like three of them combined into one incident.

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Do people really find driving that hard or annoying? Of all the things i would want a machine to do for me driving is way down on the list.

That’s well down the list of the (theoretical) benefits of automated driving. Top of the list is either safety or the ability to avoid the economic loss of having a car sit there and do nothing while it awaits the next time I want to use it.

I love road trips and driving in general, but LA traffic really wears me down. People are such assholes. I’ve gotten pretty good at accepting that/them, but if I could be not even paying attention (and still be safe) that would be pretty awesome.