Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

In law school they teach you this is the kind of case plaintiffs don’t win. I guess she also isn’t interested in working as an actor on anything else.

Release a novel where Cara Dune’s backstory includes being transgender.




Or even better, just have her transition contemporaneously.



Lol. Other than the fact that seems pretty sensible, it’s just complete fake news?

It’s true, at least as of a few years ago. It’s just that it was fairly widely reported and elon is trying to sell it as a secret from an anon source.




Not that everyone doesn’t intuitively understand this, but social media is a far more powerful radicalization tool than even the finest terrorist training camps.


Thinking about this a bit more, Elon really hasn’t actually done anything really bold or visionary since 2020. Buying Twitter and running into the ground was bold in the “bold move” sense, but not really ambitious or groundbreaking. X.ai is a me-too startup.

Even if you think they’re bad ideas, the back half of the 2010s has Boring Company, Neuralink, Starlink, Cybertruck, Starship redesign. The early 2020s have X, and teams across Elon-world executing against increasingly outdated strategies while the boss neglects them in favor of drugs and posting racist conspiracy theories on Twitter. Very depressing that this fits so well.

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It’s this. Social media radicalization happens fast once the right wing gets it’s teeth sunk into a susceptible mark. And then it becomes the marks entire identity.

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My wife worked there as recently as 2021 and the executives bonuses depended on hitting these metrics. They brought back someone for the second season of a show who had used his position for personal gain because they couldn’t find an appropriate candidate to replace him.

And just for the record, I believe that is a good thing. There’s a reason they couldn’t find a suitable replacement for him from a marginalized group, and that’s because those groups have been so excluded from the process for so long.

Isn’t she a daily wire film school regular now?




I thought this came up before but here you go

That led to an improbably weird and potentially awkward situation worthy of a new-age French farce. When Zilis was in the Austin hospital with complications from her pregnancy, so too was the surrogate mother carrying the baby girl that Musk and Grimes had secretly conceived in vitro. Because the surrogate mother was having a troubled pregnancy, Grimes was staying with her. She was unaware that Zilis was in a nearby room, or that she was pregnant by Musk. Perhaps it is no surprise that Musk decided to fly west that Thanksgiving weekend to deal with the simpler issues of rocket engineering.

Isaacson, Walter. Elon Musk (p. 415). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition.

This is pure trailer trash behavior but when rich people do it, it’s described as being quirky and fun. Like an awkward situation in a French farce, not like a methed-out Nazi cranking out unwanted kids to propagate the master race.


Yeah, in America we have great respect for journalists.


Just kidding


Agreeing with one of the Krassensteins is probably worse than agreeing with Tucker

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Saw a Tesla Cybertruck today. It’s bigger and and uglier in real life than it looks in the videos posted. Looks like a big toy Lego car for a parade or something. Lol Elon.

Big Dumb Truck.

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