Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Especially given the pilots did a great job and there was nothing they could have done to prevent this.

It’s pretty clearly poor QA/QC at Boeing who are trying to save money. The previous max issue makes this so clear as does the other planes already found with loose bolts.

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I’m pretty confused by this idea pilots are dumb. I’m a huge aviation enthusiast and everything I know says becoming a large jet pilot is very difficult and it requires significant problem solving and decision triage skills. There is huge amounts of information to learn and synthesize. If I was betting I would put my money on the average jet pilot having a higher than average IQ.

I mean they may have highly specialized skills and knowledge and generally be pretty smart, but we aren’t talking really smart like all of us main characters on this here message board obviously.


Yeah the neighbor on the Bob Newhart show was a dummy and that was being stereotyped 45 years ago.

I am sure this is true. But serious question - what does that have to do with IQ? I’m not an expert, but I always though that IQ was basically your ability to intuit the solutions to a bunch of trick multiple choice questions. I would think of pilots as needing to know how things actually work, be able to follow protocol, and have some guts and confidence. Don’t really know what the relationship is here, but I am willing to change my opinion.

The most sickening aviation enthusiast take is that the Ethiopian pilots could have/should have saved the plane if they’d been truly competent, and Boeing is therefore only partially (to some, not even principally) to blame for the crash.

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All accidents follow the “swish cheese model” in that they are always the result of several failures aligning in an unusual way. There is almost never one cause.

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I don’t know…


This is true, but also a charitable thing to say about Boeing in this situation. The idea of the Swiss cheese is to make the holes on each slice as tiny as possible. Boeing’s slices were more hole than cheese, making an accident statistically inevitable.

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Don’t get me wrong. I’m firmly in the camp that the root of this is Boeing. They have obviously been downgrading their QA/QC to increase margin and playing fast and loose with things like category typing to entice buyers.

My dad is a pilot, he flies private jets never did the airline thing. I hate trying to rank how smart someone is, like the whole concept really doesn’t make any sense. He went to a 4 year college for aviation, i wouldn’t call him super book smart but he’s a good problem solver and very mechanically inclined. He can build and fix just about anything. Obviously very familar with meteorology and aviation concepts.

He has to go to school/training to stay certified on his planes once or twice a year. It’s a week long thing where they review material and do a bunch of simulator time.

Also not a maga shitstain so that’s nice.


Any internet discussion about whether any person or group of people is “smart” or “dumb” becomes an excercise in social media Rorschach nonsense where people just map onto those loosely defined words whatever meaning and context they want. We all use he/she/them are smart/dumb as shortcuts to avoid putting 500 word disclaimers on stuff, and as sure as night follows day, people will jump on that opportunity to score WELL ACTUALLY internet points.


I am going to shock and amaze the crowd here: most people are good at some things and bad at others.

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I could never be a pilot without suffering crippling anxiety, gut tells me being able to think straight in a crisis >>>>>>> mental firepower. Elon Musk is a racist shitstain obviously.


That, and he obviously deperately needs to believe that being good at one thing (capturing government handouts to make a private company’s stock price really high) means that he is a Smart Person and whatever he thinks about anything is right.

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What FAA doing?

Boeing execs can’t believe their luck.

Boeing’s CEO was on the verge of crying over the door thing. The previous guy got fired over the 737. Calhoun could be worried about his job too. He should be. But he’s an accountant and has been compensated well enough to have plenty of money to count so no real need for tears.

The Boeing news is convenient but Elon choosing the pilot example to attack DEI could have something to do with Elon being a pilot and very smart and not woke. His dad was also a pilot, also smart and definitely not woke. Grandpa also pilot, smart, extremely not woke. More details later, maybe.



Reminds of this mechanic, Mike, who we used to have do some work on our car. Guy could barely read, sounded uneducated when he spoke, and to the eyes of most of the world he would probably be considered kinda dumb. But he could fix anything and everything mechanical under the sun (and he was a nice, honest guy too; we practically had to beg him to take a reasonable sum for the work he did).

The complete opposite of me, and I have massive respect for people like this. Smart in a way I’ll never be.


Being good at one thing doesn’t mean you are good at everything. We’ve all known people who could win at poker yet think jet fuel can’t melt steel…