Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

We’re gonna get ads for hard drugs before this is over

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Yeah. This is the obvious outcome of DEI.

In a biased system, the worst 10% of white males are clearly going to be worse than the top excluded percentiles of the group that’s swaps in.

Likewise, the excluded group that makes it in a biased system is going to be better than average white male.

You see this across multiple fields.

Female surgeons have better results, boards with women on perform better.

This is not because women are better (or maybe) but because you are looking at the post filtered population in a biased system.




Wow - I just received notifications that an account I reported was actually punished. Looks like their account was banned and they can’t create any more accounts. Shocked.

While I don’t really ever log into Twitter anymore, I felt (especially in the Elmo era) that reporting a post probably just told them that sort of shit made me mad, so they’d just give me more of it.


Everyone should be force fed Tim pool.


So pathetic


Related: Adam Neumann somehow raised investor money to buy apartments. It’s doing horribly, he’s defaulting on debt, and somehow new investors are giving him even more money, lolololol people are so god damn stupid


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Assuming a pilots have met all the qualifications am I wrong in assuming the only possibilities to fear from the pilots are them being severely inebriated or suicidal?

Even if I was told the pilot had a below-average IQ why should I care?

What I gather is Elon + friends are saying is you want high IQ pilots to handle situations that require fast problem solving under stress. They don’t specify but I guess bird strike, fire, engines out, snakes or terrorists, loss of cabin pressure due to failure to install bolts on door plugs… You know, that kind of thing.

But I don’t know if high IQ is even actually helpful in those cases. In Top Gun, Maverick specifically says you can’t think up there. If you think, you’re dead. So who are you going to believe?


I know lots of dumb pilots. It’s usually fine. It’s even more fine for airline pilots. The day to day routine does not require intelligence. 90% of emergencies require more memorization than intelligence (and there’s not a lot to remember). Poor decision making is by far the biggest danger and I’m not sure there’s much correlation with that and intelligence. Maybe a certain type of intelligence but for sure not iq.

Pilots are a dumb example anyway because there’s a shortage in every type of flying. There are zero white pilots that didn’t get an airline seat because a DEI hire took the spot. If you meet the experience requirements you can get hired. If two people meet the experience requirements, great, they’ll take both.


I did some cursory googling into IQ and SAT of those specific HBCUs and the conclusion that the students there average 85-90 IQ of course appears wildly unsupported.



You should inform the racists, who are sure to change their worldview instantly.


Yeah in those moments most of the time I do not want creativity in the cockpit!

The example that I always bring up when we talk about intelligence is Ben Carson. is he intelligent? From what I understand he’s one of the greatest pediatric neurosurgeons ever. But he also thinks the Egyptians stored grain in the pyramids. If he applied his skillset to being a pilot I bet he’d be awesome at it.

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I know one pilot for a major airline on 777s, about to retire. He is of below-average intelligence and a Trumpist. Most pilots are retired military. Many probably come from college and officer ranks, but a lot were Vietnam-era and 80s military. Bit of a different pool of applicants than, say, doctors. (Knew a smart ROTC pilot in training in college, who was a woman.)

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Really baffling how the discourse is about whether woke pilots have a high enough IQ to handle the various catastrophes that a 737 MAX will throw at you rather than the new airliner falling apart in midair. Boeing execs can’t believe their luck. Way to shape the conversation Elon!


Disregarding the fact that all the high IQ people I have met have been reliably dumb as a box of rocks, since when are pilots supposed to be smart? I thought that was stereotypically the ultimate dumb guy job?