Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

And then someone will point out their IQ results are cherry-picked from one spurious data source while ignoring 10 others that disagree, and on top of that they’re just outright fudging the numbers another 10% in the direction they want, and they’ll pivot from “just looking for truth here” to “yes but my point still stands!”

Happens every fucking time.

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Bluesky is kind of a ghost town but at this point it’s a legitimately better news aggregator than Twitter, which now just pushes racist bullshit from bluehceck dweebs to the front of every breaking news story.


Let’s just ignore the evidence that Elon doesn’t prioritize safety at his workplaces.

I mean, I’m not saying I want it to happen, but imagine Elon or Shotwell, neither of which likes to wear hardhats, were to get beaned by a falling heat tile at the Starship launch pad. That might not have a positive effect on the average SpaceX IQ, but it might improve their safety culture.

I’d rather not fly on a plane where a bad white male pilot is permitted to continue flying because he’s a white male. Does that count?

Has he shit his pants about migrant caravans yet? He’s an absolute joke at this point.

Yeah, he’s constantly on about it. He’s into a lot of conspiracy theory bullshit. In the Isaacson bio, it comes up multiple times that people close to him have thought and told him directly that he might be turning into his father, who even Elon acknowledges is a completely batshit crazy narcissistic racist asshole.

@mosdef Idk. I’m not exactly full of confidence in the FAA, but if I ever get on another plane, I’m going to go ahead and assume that the guys in the pilot seats are properly qualified and licensed and my chances of getting where I’m going are pretty good. Better, at least, than if I drove there in a Tesla.

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Yeah, naturally. What I’m saying is that Elon’s made up reason to be scared of flying (dangerously incompetent women or people of color flying because of DEI initiatives) is at least an order of magnitude less likely to actually happen than the kind of problem that DEI programs are designed to reduce (dangerously incompetent white male flying the plane because of inherent structural bias to protect less competent white men).


Just watching a podcast where the host is lamenting the end of twitter and how he is just getting insane ads from Epoch Times.

my buddy and i used to go to this cigar lounge because it was one of the only ones in town that didnt have a bar(my buddy was “post” recovery), and i always used to get in arguments with the old men and ash my cigar on their subscribed copy off the epoch times.


Oh yeah I forgot about Cowboy Cosplay Musk, King of Cringe

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I mean the arc we’re watching with Elon is pretty much the exact identical arc that many of us have seen as our various family members have been eaten by the Fox News brain worms and radicalized into Facebook Nazis. He just has your attention all the time.


Even the literal richest guy in the world knows deep down that he is, at his core, just another mediocre nepo baby.



Maybe he’s an authentically stupid racist but I figured it was mostly that he knows racism is extremely popular and that incel rubes will worship him for it.

Oh no he is very authentically super fucking racist


I once thought this about Donald Trump :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

He is a nepo baby of a slave holding emerald miner from apartheid South Africa. He 100% thinks black people are beneath him.

At one point Elon had the media completely bought into his bullshit. All he had to do was not be dumbass Nazi on the internet and he still messed that up.

If he is turning into his father we haven’t seen anything yet. The family consensus is dad’s evil.

Elon’s brother, his cousins, his nephews, and, I think, his sister and mom have worked for him. I’m sure they’re all meritorious af so it’s cool.