Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

It’s gotten bad enough that I have drastically reduced my Twitter use, and I was basically addicted before Elon bought it. The equity has to be a zero, and the debt is probably worth like 20 cents or something.

Maybe he’s going demon mode again.


When I moved back to Arizona I was close to being denied while registering to vote at the MVD. My multiple forms of ID, which they specified, weren’t enough for the clerk. I suspected the reason didn’t have anything to do with the documentation, so an extra fuck you to Elon this morning.

Parody got me. No more Elon today. Got to rest up for the snow later.

Yeah my Twitter usage went from scrolling multi times a day to only reading tweets when they are posted elsewhere like here or Reddit. And I don’t get into comments anymore.

Would have enjoyed twitter during Rangers World Series run, but I had already stopped using it by then. For me it’s 90% habit. Once I break the habit I don’t normally go back.



Elon’s not exactly wrong, but he’s pretty wrong and AZ actually has more stringent registration processes than most other states.

I can confirm that “federal only” ballots exist but there are very few of them cast (they’re basically a blank sheet of paper except for a handful of federal races (president/us sen/us rep). I don’t fully understand the system but when you register to vote you can choose to provide proof of citizenship (almost everybody does) or you can simply attest that you are a citizen, in which case you’ll only be eligible for the federal ballot. This is apparently to be in compliance with the federal National Voter Registration Act and all states register voters this way (by attesting to their citizenship status).

It only seems like a vulnerability until you you realize that a non-citizen would have to be insane to risk arrest/prosecution/incarceration/deportation in exchange for casting a single ballot. It just doesn’t happen, at least not in numbers large enough to be worried about.


Seems like the solution to all this is to remove any voting restrictions for non-citizens. Then everybody’s happy.

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I’ve never seen anyone so perfectly describe a video



what in the everloving fuck, that has to be a joke

@TheDuker He’s not just randomly wrong, though. He is saying misleading things in support of his apparent belief that Democrats are bringing in illegal immigrants to vote for them.



He didn’t know what the process to vote in California was despite having been a resident of the state most of his life, a US citizen since 2002, and saying he has voted.


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Sure let’s give the guy billions in government contracts though.

So no black person can have any job, anywhere without it being a result of DEI. I got that about right? White people in high ranking positions = hard work and bootstrapping, non white people in high ranking positions = diversity hire and taking a job from hard working whites?

Back in Michigan a decade or so (definitely before Trump I think) ago there was a GOP effort to put a disclaimer on the front of all ballots that you must be a US citizen to vote, and I think you would’ve had to check a box or something claiming you were a US citizen. The dems eventually fought it and won, but I was thinking fuck that shit, trade it for something. If the GOP is really hell bent on this being a fix for voter fraud or whatever, offer it up in exchange for better ballot access in urban areas. I doubt they would’ve taken it, but this box doesn’t seem like a huge deal to me, and if the GOP really wanted it I would’ve found something to negotiate it for.


This is exactly right. They think they’re making a “rational” argument for giving people jobs based on “merit” only, but if pushed they have to admit that they actually just think women and people of color are too stupid to have gotten a good job based on merit.

Not to mention IQ results are highly dependent on a persons upbringing and education, and DEI is at least one way to help break the cycle of poverty and poor education that minorities often find themselves in in this country.

Oh Elon….

Obvs that iq tests aren’t racist you dumb fuckwidget.

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It’s entirely rage bait. Like it’s comparing the IQ of pilots (which I’m guessing has no good source), with the IQ of the average person at some HBCUs (based on SAT scores). Even if somehow that were a decent metric, it completely ignores that the people that get to be pilots from those HBCU’s are likely at the top of their classes and that the average SAT score is tanked a decent bit by athletes, etc.


It’s almost as if the racist people don’t want that to happen.

Switching from “woke” to “DEI” is just a dumb move that’s going to confuse casuals.

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