Anybody got a good poker hand that is 50/50 yet has minimal chance for ties?
There it is. Now do you take the made or the overs?
Wow, the chef is totally blue. Thatâs never happening again.
Clintons had a lot of support in the South, America wasnât as polarized then. Winning LA and AR but not VA is wild, VAâs demographics have changed a bunch.
I think it is more correct to say that the Democrats were a coalition between Liberal Democrats and Southern Democrats. They could work together to get New Deal stuff done as long as it didnât interfere too much with the preferred social order. It was fractured by LBJ and then completely went away after Obama.
I just donât know enough to make the wild predictions, but with the massive demographic shifts between parties and what feels like a lot of mobility among the population since 2020, this feels like we could get some wild results.
Like I could see an outcome where white people and educated whites break even harder for Kamala than we expect, and black people/Latinos break hard for Trump, where we get a Blue Iowa, Ohio, or Missouri but still a red Florida and Arizona