Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

If it’s like 218 R that would be a hilarious outcome.

Nominating Liz Cheney would be an elite troll. And if she somehow gets confirmed, she could keep the 1/6 hearings going. I don’t hate it on the surface, although it has all sorts of backfire potential.

But my first thought is it sucks a lot for McCarthy and it sucks a lot for the HFC, but I don’t think it unites them. If they both hate it and it doesn’t unite them, it sounds like a win.

Or if it does unite them, it makes McCarthy’s speakership maximally tenuous.

Its November 2022 and there is actual discussion on a Mueller she wrote tweet?

That ain’t hopium, that is delerium

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Someone needs to convince Elon MSW is the one bullying his advertisers. My friend constantly sends me their tweets and it’s beyond tilting.

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She’s not speculating here like usual. NBC did change their numbers for whatever that means.

Now when it comes to investigations and indictments….

More like discussing an anonymous quote in a Washington Examiner article, actually.

I would enjoy seeing the stupid look on McCarthy’s stupid face as Pelosi passed the gavel to Cheney. Like this fucker has completely debased himself to get the gavel back when they took the House back.

To see him come that close and lose it to most prominent Republican to put country over party wrt 1/6, who isn’t even in the House? Yeah that would be hilarious.

It would be a “watch him die inside on live tv” moment.


No clue what those NV races mean for control. Has to be good?

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I mean, no one cares about these races, but having a dem in charge of AZ’s public schools means a lot, I would think.

Also, lol this dude…guy does nothing but jump from office to office



They are necessary but not sufficient. It’s a very good development.

I probably missed it, but the democrat winning Oregon’s governors race is great. Phil Knight gave a fuckton of money to the 3rd party candidate trying to get the republican in there. Lots of predictions that there would be a republican governor in Oregon leading up to it.

My biggest takeaway from this election has been that the bullshit was flushed all over the country



51-49 damn near locked now!!!

Get that house control and they can play Sinema and coal miners father off each other for two years.


I’m so upset about BoBo looking like she is going to survive. All the AZ and NV news is helping. I never knew that I could dream so big to see her defeated but now that I have it’s soul crushing to not see it.




sweet summer child has a lighter under a spoon right now


I care. He’s a huge bigot who is unfit for the position. Pretty sure he wants to ban Spanish in classrooms.

why is he calling her Kari Filter?

In every publicity photo and Zoom interview she’s always got a blur/glow filter on herself.