Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

Might need to switch threads.

What are the odds that Cortez Masto gets fucked out of a legit win?



spoiling because it isn’t hopium

I guess that will probably be their out. The amendment said “slavery”, not “indentured servitude” hurr durr

Goddamnit I had one chance to fling the rocket around the moon and I crashed it


Steve just fucked up, there is no instant run off here in Alaska its ranked choice now.

I’ll forgive this one Steve

What are the odds you are in the wrong thread?

I tried to vote for all three, but could only vote for two. I hope I did this correctly.


That tax question actuallt much closer than I expected but haven’t dug into like where the votes have come in from.

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I thought “instant runoff” was another term for ranked choice

Can’t keep these two straight. Do I really need to post it in the other one? Not sure what the rules are.

DeSantis is out there copying Trump’s hand gestures shamelessly. It seems like imitation can work well enough that I won’t advise someone not to do it.



I bought a jar of the OG chili crisp. I think it makes everything taste like an onion bagel.

I never use it on Asian food, although it’s OK on top of pasta with red sauce.

Nah he’s a bulldog boy, he knows what color he is

He be fucking Psyduck level confused if reps were blue though

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Well if it actually works, he should go for it. I still don’t like it, but my personal tastes definitely take a back seat to effectiveness.

Nah, instant run off means they have another election automatically if a threshold isn’t meant, he even said instant run off on the 23rd.

Ranked choice means when I voted today I had the choice of ranking each of the up to 4 candidates in each election and they will eliminate them one by one. No more voting but will take a few days to get the result

I realize I’m just posting screenshots here, but still:


Man, Kornacki’s knowledge of congressional districts is impressive.

Also, NM GOAT once again full blue (not called yet though).

To be fair KY had a trigger law in place to pretty much ban abortion once Roe was struck down. This amendment is to make abortion 100% illegal no matter what. But looks like the amendment to 100% ban abortion looks to fail. At least abortion will still be legal in Kentucky in the incest/rape/health of mother issues.