Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

MD gov pickup

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How many of az, ga and pa do we need to get to 50?

2 I think, or 1 + WI

If we lose NV, all of them, otherwise, 2/3.

2 or 3 depending on NV


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Predictit 50/50 now. GA at 54c

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CO governor race already called for Polis. Seems bullish.

I’m in for some hopium.

Just took a flyer on 51 D seats on Predictit.

Odds are better than 8 to 1 imo.

Regardless of how this turns out, dedicated hopium thread was an A+ idea.





Any good news in the house?

A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here)

Dangerously close to hopium breaching containment.

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I’ve seen at least two tossups called for Dems (RI-2 and VA-7) and we didn’t lose any seats in Florida other than the ones we were gerrymandered to lose.

Get your negative thoughts outta here!


I warned y’all about Forsyth County. They just reported 55%. Walker/Warnock a dead heat.

We’ve got Bibb and Dougherty County left to help out, but feeling a lot less optimistic suddenly.

Almost a lock we’re headed to a runoff now.