Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

52c R senate vs 50c D senate

Edit: weird coz Walker went from 43c to 54c when Ds overall moved from like 42c to 50c

Kornacki just went through the house stuff and is spewing hopium drops all over my tv!

edit-Basically said that outside of the obvious jerrymander bullshit, republicans aren’t obviously gaining anywhere else

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effective and swift moderation

Doesn’t he wear khakis to prevent that sort of thing?

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here)

If Georgia senate goes to a runoff, and Kemp wins outright tonight, that has to be a huge advantage for Warnock, right?

One would think err hope so


Repub control to -125(I think … US odds truly suck, they’re $1.80) on betfair

Yeah if the Senate race is the only one on the ballot, it favors Warnock

I’d say yes.

What needs to be the margin for an automatic runoff in GA?

NC Senate just changed by msnbc, now too close to call!

(had been too early to call)

No one gets majority

No candidate with a majority.


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Blond Bigot Barbie is losing NH-1


The entire nation’s attention being on this race and Hershel Walker can only be good for Warnock.

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I turned on MSNBC at 3:00 Pacific and noped out in under 90 seconds. All of my election news coming from UP now.


How does predict work if 49-50R with a GA runoff?