Education, all levels

Behavioral research is a field of frauds. Well here’s the latest case with the added twist that she’s suing everyone for $25M. She isn’t going to win a defamation case, but just the dead man switch nuclear fuckery of it all is enraging and cataplectic. The people vampire hunting these frauds are academics doing it on their own time without pay because in 2023 you have to call your own fouls, and all for the negative freeroll payoff of getting served legal notices by this psycho that will cost a fortune to make go away.

One of the papers at the center of the present controversy — a 2012 paper on dishonesty — had, in fact, already been retracted before this scandal because, in an unrelated scandal, the data in a different one of the three experiments that made up the study had been manipulated or falsified by a different person.




You can’t beat this article for an example of maybe blaming the wrong thing

‘I don’t need a shoulder to cry on. I did all my crying right outside the commencement hall. My goal is to share a story about how campus political correctness and wokeism morphs into hatred for one’s own family.’

“His decision to allow his ex-wife to raise his preteen daughters without too much interference was another misstep.”

That’s an interesting spin on being a dead-beat dad.

Newly remodeled dorms also have Tempur-Pedic matresses for him to sleep, fuck or barf on.

Boy I attended UK at the wrong time. I also got Tubby Smith’s last few years and Billy Gillespie.


(4) The evidence of fraud detailed in our report almost certainly represents a mere subset of the evidence that the Harvard investigators were able to uncover about these four articles. For example, we have heard from some HBS faculty that Harvard’s internal report was ~1,200 pages long, which is 1,182 pages longer than the one we sent to HBS.


1,200 page internal report and Harvard requested all of the papers be retracted and she comes out swinging hahaha. We need a Guantanamo attachment on anti-SLAPP.

Judge sees 1200 page report issued by Harvard. Barely even matters what it says. Case dismissed. This is like if Madoff sued Markopoulos for ratting out his shit. I’m sure she can still get a solid faculty job in the Virgin Islands or South America or something.

@spidercrab already posted about this in LC and I missed it. This part

was a paper I had already written about in this thread back in Oct 2021. Absolutely amazing.

Holy shit this got my blood boiling like I was sitting on a stovetop turned up to 11.

“Maybe I should have tried harder to bring her to church with me,”

Like, yep. That must be it buddy. Im so glad that the takeaway from losing your fucking daughter is maybe you just didnt brainwash her hard enough. You seem like such a catch, how could anyone consider never wanting to see you again.

How many books do you all think could be filled by the stuff he left out of that interview?

Like, “James Wilson will be the first to tell you he isn’t the perfect father. He lost control too easily.” Boy, that doesnt seem like a red flag at all.

Or "Soon their father-daughter conversations became strained, James said. They couldn’t talk about politics. His decision to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 was nearly unforgivable.

“Phone calls with my daughter got more and more perfunctory,” James said. “By 2018, she stopped calling me.”

Couldnt possibly be that you wouldnt shut the fuck up about how great you through Trump was. Nah, Im sure it was her uppity democrat boyfriend.

Never once in the article does it say he apologized to her in any way so that maybe one day he could see her graduate and see his grandaughter. Nope, just complaining about liberal colleges instead of an ounce of introspection. Hopefully this fucker dies alone in a ditch.

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Some Conroe ISD trustees want to crack down on displays of racial inclusivity and pride, saying they represent, “symbols of personal ideologies.”

When pressed to share one of those examples, Dungan referred to a first grade student whose parent claimed they were so upset by a poster showing hands of people of different races, that they transferred classrooms.

“Just so I understand, you are seriously suggesting that you find objectionable, a poster indicating that all are included,” Stacey Chase, another trustee, said.

Dungan wouldn’t say whether she found that poster objectionable, just that she wants to avoid “situations like that” by having the board adopt stricter standards and adhere to state policies already in place, prohibiting teachers from displaying political items not relevant to curriculum.

Another trustee even asked if the poster was illegal and went on to claim previous displays of pride flags were.

“We do have violation of this law,” Misty Odenweller said.

When asked if bible verses were also in violation of existing policy and should be removed, Dungan struggled to respond.

“Right? Would you agree?” trustee Datren Williams asked Dungan.

“I don’t know,” Dungan replied.

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local school boards are basically dunning-kruger laboratories

They are just a few months from mandating a hood as official state government uniform.

Chris Rufo and DeSantis’s New College experiment isn’t going so well

When a committee of the New College of Florida Board of Trustees met in July, a whopping 36 faculty members had already left since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis initiated a conservative restructuring of the institution in January. That number has subsequently grown to more than 40, Amy Reid, the sole faculty member on the board, told Inside Higher Ed.

Now, as students prepare for the fall semester, the impact of the faculty exodus is becoming apparent: many classes won’t be offered at New College this term.

The course catalogue was already sparse when students first began looking at classes last spring. Dani Delaney, the mother of one former New College student who is transferring to Hampshire College in Massachusetts—which guaranteed admission to all New College students in good standing—said her son could only find two classes that counted toward his “area of concentration” (which is what New College calls majors). When he contacted the institution about the lack of relevant courses, she said, he was told the course catalogue was “in flux” and to “choose something else.”

New College officials did not respond to a question regarding whether the university is planning to do anything to help students whose courses have been canceled. The college is currently trying to recruit more faculty. Chris Rufo, the conservative activist-turned-New College trustee appointed by DeSantis, posted on X on Friday that the college is hiring a “large cohort of new tenure-track faculty” in 14 departments, directing prospective candidates to contact him at his personal email account.

Reid, a professor of French and the director of the gender studies program, said that New College’s faculty and division chairs have been working to hire replacements for their colleagues who have left—on top of taking on increased teaching and advising loads themselves. But the university’s new political identity has made it difficult to do so.

“The division chairs have made a heroic effort this summer to fill in the gaps in our academic programs,” she said. “Sadly, their efforts are being hampered by an ideological litmus test imposed by the administration.”

The incoming freshman class, which is the largest in New College’s history, will include at least 341 students; 155, or just under half, are athletes, according to university spokesperson Nathan March.

Administrators worked to boost enrollment after years of “stagnation,” USA Toda y reported last month, with Interim President Richard Corcoran pushing for a freshman class of at least 300 students and offering financial rewards to admissions officers who met the goal. The recruitment strategy centered on developing an athletic program, which March said will include baseball, softball, men’s and women’s basketball, and men’s and women’s soccer teams.

According to the USA Today article, the baseball team had 70 players as of July, compared to 37 on the University of Florida’s Division I team.

Note New College is not in any division at all. They’ve never had any of these sports teams before this year.

Students placed in the Home2 Suites hotel worry about how they will commute to and from New College, about a mile away. For those without vehicles, the journey consists of a 15-minute walk largely along a stretch of busy highway. Parents and faculty have also complained that high levels of crime make the area unsafe, especially at night. While a shuttle is available, it is infrequent—running hourly until 11 p.m.—and can only carry a handful of passengers.

Communication about the changes has been sporadic and confusing, students say. They received numerous emails asking them to confirm within a short timeframe where they planned to live in the fall. A July 11 email that Nagle shared with Inside Higher Ed gave them four days to confirm whether they had secured off-campus housing; another email, delivered Aug. 2 and shared by Delaney, informed students that the on-campus housing was full and asked them to confirm by Aug. 7 if they wanted to live in the Home2 Suites.

“If you do not send a message by this date we will assume that you will be seeking off campus housing accommodations for the fall semester,” the email read.

The details of New College’s contract with the hotel, made public just ahead of the Aug. 10 board meeting, listed a number of policies for students that are significantly more stringent than the college’s. While the college allows students over 21 to drink alcohol in their dorms and in certain outdoor areas, for instance, residents of the Home2 Suites are not permitted to drink, regardless of their age.

Students will not be able to order room service and the hotel will “not supply any food and beverage service” except for coffee, according to the contract. But the hotel also bans cooking appliances like hot pots and toaster ovens, and while this is consistent with New College’s residential policies, on-campus students will have easier access to the college’s dining hall and deli.

West Virginia University also not having a great time.

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost on Friday released its list of preliminary recommendations for program and faculty cuts.

The cuts are being made as part of the university’s Academic Transformation initiative, which stems from the need to address an approximately $45 million budget shortfall coming into Fiscal Year 2024.

The majority of departments have at least some programs that are recommended for reductions in faculty staffing.

All programs under the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and the Department of Public Administration have been recommended to be discontinued.

Programs in the School of Music recommended for discontinuance are the Bachelor of Music Performance: Jazz and Commercial Music, with approval for an Intent to Plan process for a new commercial music program, as well as master’s degree programs for Collaborative Piano, Composition and Jazz Pedagogy.

In the School of Education, programs recommended to be discontinued are master’s degrees in Higher Education Administration and Multicategorical Special Education, as well as and doctorate degrees in Higher Education and Higher Education Administration.

Several other departments have programs that are planned to be merged into one another.

In total, 32 of the 338 majors offered on the Morgantown campus have been recommended for discontinuation, 12 undergraduate and 20 graduate.

Based on Fall 2023 enrollment numbers, this will affect 147 undergraduate students and 287 graduate students, representing approximately less than 2% of total student enrollment, according to a press release from the university.

The preliminary recommendations also included 169 potential faculty line reductions, or 7% of total faculty in Morgantown.

It just blows my mind that Gordon Gee is still a University president somewhere. What on Earth would have to happen for this guy to finally be put out to pasture?

This dude has always fascinated me. WTF made him such a coveted hire so many fucking times.

Not a mystery:


Still don’t get it. You’re gonna need to ELI5 that for me.